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Effect of Technology and Communication on Globalization (Essay Sample)

Wrote an IN-DEPTH discussion of how globalization is affected by communication AND TECHNOLOGY. discussed how technology has made the world a GLOBAL village where people can easily communicate with each other. Also DISCUSSED the implications of globalization since there are both advantages and disavantages associated with the PHENOMENON. source..
Name Course Institution Date Globalization is a component of many factors working together to enable us to reach where we are today. We can agree that both communication and transportation have played very crucial roles in driving globalization and therefore it is quite difficult to single out one as both have acted as complements to drive globalization. However, I would argue that communication has been an important factor in driving globalization. Development in mobile technology and the internet has allowed for accelerated globalization. This has helped globalisation to spread even further. Communication helps people to communicate more easily and disseminate information more quickly. This has made the spread of information across the globe to be easier and almost instantaneous. The different mediums of communication also allow for ideas to be spread more easily and the increasing interconnectedness of people across large physical distances. Thanks to communication also, people can now work remotely for different companies ensuring diversity and increased access to labour force from different countries as well as continents. Communication has helped break down the barriers of time and space which had confined globalisation to a slow gradual change but now globalisation has greatly accelerated. Organizations can also operate on a global scale thanks to the different communication channels that allow for instant exchange of information. This has made it easier for companies to track the performance of their subsidiaries and come up with policies that will help the subsidiaries. Communication has therefore helped big companies to have a much easier time overlooking the activities of their subsidiaries and this has made it easier for companies to operate in new markets effectively. This is because they carry the support of the parent companies and through efficient communication, the parent can help the subsidiary for example by offering cheap services to steal the market share of competitors. Communication has therefore helped in the success of different subsidiaries in different markets of the world hence faster globalization. Communication has allowed for the seamless flow of information across borders. This information is crucial to drive globalization. For example, a certain idea in Australia can be developed in China and then improved in the USA and then returned to Australia and this has resulted in positive leaps regarding communication and globalization. Additionally, communication has resulted in the globalization of markets CITATION The83 \l 2057 (Levitt, 1983). Now, big companies have access to the same pool of consumers and they therefore have to apply various marketing strategies to help attract customers to their brand. The customers are therefore no longer distinct based on their borders but are rather one pool that companies have access to since their marketing efforts can reach anyone in the world as long as they are connected to the internet. Amazon for example has greatly benefited from advanced communication as it only connects customers and suppliers and even if transport plays a crucial role, communication is vital for the success of the company CITATION Ste12 \l 2057 (Stephanie Lang, 2012). The stock market is also affected by communication as prices reflect the information available in the world. For example, Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war have had significant effects on the prices of goods and the strength of currencies. Communication also affects the investment of investors and investors can invest anywhere they want without even being physically there by just a few Zoom calls and meetings. Communication therefore brings the interconnectedness that people feel today. Communication has resulted in the homogeneity of the tastes and preferences that people across the world have and th...
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