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Advertising Appeals (Essay Sample)

Week 11 AVOIDment: Due 27OF Nov 2020 11.59 pm We have only a few hours or this. Kindly observe the instructions to the letter to ensure you submit a better paper Discuss about six common advertising appeals and for each appeal, give an example. be clear and concise avaoid being verbose. Suggested length of your paper - 2 pages , double spaced 12 point font (times Roman) source..
Advertising Appeals Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Advertising Appeals Advertising is the most common form of communication that organizations use today to inform users or consumers about their products or services. Companies that intend to inform the consumers about their products or services pay advertising agencies for their message to reach the consumers. In this case, the organizations advertising their products or services intended to influence consumers to buy their products or services. For consumers to be influenced and purchase the advertised products or services, the advertising agencies need to use strategies that appeal to the consumers. The products and services should be attractive and have messages that can easily capture the attention of the consumers. As such, advertising appeals are an important element that should be considered in advertising. They are the communication strategies used in advertising to attract consumers to purchase products or services. This paper will explain some of the advertising appeals like emotional appeal, rational appeal, youth appeal, music appeal, sexual appeal, and masculine or feminine appeal. Emotional Appeal Emotional appeals are the advertising strategies used to stimulate emotions to consumers such as personal appeal, social appeal, fear, and humor. According to Hornik, Ofir & Rachamim (2017), emotional appeals are majorly used to enhance brand loyalty to the consumers. Such advertisements aim to create psychological tension that can easily influence consumers. For example, a print advert by Gillette product is used to appeal to personal concerns to fathers. This is because the advert reflects the significance of skin-to-skin contact for fathers and their babies. In this case, Gillette is advertised to smoothly shave the fathers to have skin-to-skin contact with their babies. Rational Appeal A rational appeal influences buyers to get a product based on a cognitive act instead of emotions. Such adverts portray elements like statistics, price, quality, and specifications of a product (Grigaliunaite & Pileliene, 2016). In most instances, technological companies use rational appeal to show the specifications of their products. For example, New Nokia Lumia 625 advertised its phone using specifications such as a large screen of 11.9cm, which is 4.7 inches, it was also a windows phone. Youth Appeal Youth appeal is the advertising strategy used mainly to attract and influence the youths or people who want to remain youthful to buy products. They show energy and zeal that is mainly linked to the youths. For instance, Pepsi uses youthful visuals to appeal to its consumers. In one of its visual adverts, it has youths being happy with the caption “Live for Now” which is majorly used by the youths. Music Appeal Music appeal uses music and sound to lure the consumers and make them feel good because it portrays the liveliness and excitement of the product. For instance, Coca-Cola Company uses music mainly to appeal to the teenagers and youths who love music. In 2011, Coca-Cola Company featured Wieden & Kennedy Amsterdam in their Coca-Cola ad...
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