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Literature & Language
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Technological Applications Creating a Harmonious Symphony (Essay Sample)

Technological Applications Creating a Harmonious Symphony Language and Literature can hardly be separated from each other since they are two faces of the same coin that defines humanity and its need to communicate and share its thoughts and ideas in the form of an art. Subgenres within the general category of literature, including novels, poetry, and drama, among others, are a record and archive of human experience and creativity. It reflects the different periods and cultures with reference to the ideas and feelings of the people during such periods and in different societies. Literature is a way of understanding ourselves and the world which surrounds us, it addresses issues of human interpersonal relationships, social issues and human existential questions. Language, which on the other hand is the conveyance with which literature reveals its enchantment. It gives the writer the means which is words, grammar, syntax and everything that makes up a text and helps the writer fashion a tapestry out of words and string together pure emotions. Bearing this in mind, language complements literature developing along with the developing culture and advancing technology while always serving its principal function of transferring the meaning and feeling. Therefore, literature and language harmoniously merge as forms of articulation and movement of people, thus responding to the musicality of the universe. In addition, literature improves language abilities and acquires more perceptions as far as language variety and forms are concerned. This enhances problem solving abilities to analyze texts or arguments and come up with hidden meanings and implications different from the face value. Language thus put into a literary context is not a passive tool but a force that can transform thought, perception, and relation in society. Thus, the literary and linguistic phenomena remain powerful tools that enhance the general human development. Together, they bring into existence a body of work that is both compelling and thought-provoking, not to mention, stimulating for the imagination. Literature and language can be said to be intertwined as two distinct aspects of human endeavor that take the people on the scholarly and spiritual exploration of the best of human genius. References 1. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book in italics: Author of the subtitle of the book (Edition if required). Publisher. 2. Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article in sentence case as the last name of the first author and the year of publication in APA format. Title of the Journal in Italic type, Volume number, issue number (Co-author), page numbers. source..
Technological Applications Creating a Harmonious Symphony Language and Literature can hardly be separated from each other since they are two faces of the same coin that defines humanity and its need to communicate and share its thoughts and ideas in the form of an art. Subgenres within the general category of literature, including novels, poetry, and drama, among others, are a record and archive of human experience and creativity. It reflects the different periods and cultures with reference to the ideas and feelings of the people during such periods and in different societies. Literature is a way of understanding ourselves and the world which surrounds us, it addresses issues of human interpersonal relationships, social issues and human existential questions. Language, which on the other hand is the conveyance with which literature reveals its enchantment. It gives the writer the means which is words, grammar, syntax and everything that makes up a text and helps the writer fashion a tapestry out of words and string together pure emotions. Bearing this in mind, language complements literature developing along with the developing culture and advancing technology while always serving its principal function of transferring the meaning and feeling. Therefore, literature and language harmoniously merge as forms of articulation and movement of people, thus responding to the musicality of the universe. In addition, literature improves language abilities and acquires more perceptions as far as language variety and forms are concerned. This enhances problem solving abilities to analyze texts or arguments and come up with hidden meanings and implications different from the face value. Language thus put into a literary context is not a passive tool but a force that can transform thought, perception, and relation in society. Thus, the literary and linguis...
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