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Parental involvement in maths perfomace (Essay Sample)

The esaay gives my view on the topic, " parental involvement in pupil performance in public primary schools" and how their influence is at the center of everything. Mathematics is viewed by many people as the most difficult discipline while on the other hand others treat it as their favourite. Parents in some way contribute to how students treat this subject source..
Parental Involvement in Pupil Performance in Mathematics in Public Primary Schools in Kenya Name Instructor Institute Course Date Parental Involvement in Pupil Performance in Mathematics in Public Primary Schools in Kenya Introduction I am interested in researching the impact of parental involvement in pupil performance in mathematics in public primary schools in Kenya. Engaging parents in their children's education is a significant pedagogical concern in an era of growing attention to student behavior and the quality of education provided in schools. Parental participation in children's education is a critical factor in success in both children and schools, regardless of the population. Whenever parents demonstrate a genuine interest in their children's education, it typically results in improved academic performance. Parental engagement encompasses various ways parents participate in their children's education. This includes parents attending school events and fulfilling school-related responsibilities. Additionally, parents support their children's academic progress by encouraging them, establishing suitable study conditions, setting a good example, overseeing homework, and frequently tutoring them at home. In this paper, therefore, I will assess the impact of parental involvement on student's education and their behavior using two articles. The first article I chose for this study is, “Factors influencing pupils’ performance in mathematics at Kenya certificate of primary education in Turkana central Sub-County, Kenya” by Ngesu and Simotwo (2018). The second article is”. These two papers examine how parental involvement affects students' mathematical performance in Kenya public primary schools. However, they are based on distinct research approaches and will be analyzed in terms of their views, methods of acquiring knowledge, research techniques, and specific strategies. In the first article, In Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya, Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) evaluated the variables affecting students' performance in mathematics at primary educational level. The study's goals were to ascertain the impact of instructional materials on students' math performance at KCPE, investigate the connection between teachers' credentials and students' math performance at KCPE, and ascertain the impact of parents on students' mathematics performance at primary level education. The survey design used in the study was descriptive. In order to do this, 2469 participants were included in the target population, encompassing all thirty-nine (39) public primary schools and six (6) private primary schools in the Sub-County. Three hundred (300) mathematics instructors, forty-five (45) administrators (45 schools overall), 1824 class eight students from public primary schools, and 300 students from private primary schools were present. Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) asserted that parents have an impact on students' math achievement in addition to other factors. This was ascribed to parents not purchasing textbooks for their kids and failing to support them in achieving math goals. On the other hand, parents inspired their children to excel in mathematics. According to Ngesu and Simotwo (2018), there is a correlation between parental monitoring, parents' high educational expectations of their children, reduced problem behaviours, and improved academic performance. The belief system concerning the essence of reality is referred to as ontology (Alabneh, 2020). The ontological perspective of the first article by Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) blended objectivist and constructivist perspectives. Objectivism maintains that reason and observation are the best ways to obtain knowledge and the truth (Islam et al., 2022) It further affirms the presence of an objective reality. The investigation of external influences on students' success in mathematics is a clear manifestation of objectivism. These elements are seen as external realities that directly affect students' performance. However, constructivist ontology is present in some instances. One notable case is when analyzing students’ perspectives towards mathematics. This suggests that students' mathematical performance is shaped by their subjective experiences. The study's recognition of the impact of attitudes is consistent with a constructivist viewpoint too. The perspective acknowledges the role of internal and individual constructions in shaping mathematical results. According to Al-Ababneh (2020), the epistemology of the study is the theory of knowledge that provides study direction. The epistemological presumptions in the first article is a combination of positivist and interpretivist viewpoints. The authors used quantitative data analysis methods as a clear example of positivist assumption. The methods used include like inferential statistics and the display of results in tables, graphs, frequency distributions, and charts. The positivist perspective that stresses quantifiable phenomena is reflected in these approaches. Equally, interpretivist epistemology is also present. This perspective is noted in using qualitative data analysis. The authors qualitatively analyze students' views about mathematics. The interpretation of meanings, perceptions, and attitudes is made possible by qualitative data analysis. The article explores several key concepts and theories. First, Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) assess the impact of teaching resources on students' performance in Mathematics. They then evaluate the correlation between teachers' qualifications and students' achievement in Mathematics at KCPE. Furthermore, Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) assessed the impact of parents on students' achievement in Mathematics at KCPE. Finally, the paper investigated the impact of students' attitudes towards Mathematics at KCPE in Turkana Central Sub-County. Methodology entails concepts concerning the acquisition of novel knowledge and the most efficient approach to data collection (Al-Ababneh, 2020). Methodologies provide a structural framework. This is a framework through which methods can be defined, evaluated, and assessed. Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) implemented a mixed-methods strategy. They utilized both quantitative and qualitative approaches to investigate the correlation among tested variables. Research methods are the strategies, processes, or approaches utilized to collect data or evidence for the purpose of analysis, which is to discover new information or gain a more profound understanding of a subject (Sakyi et al., 2020). Ngesu and Simotwo (2018) utilized a descriptive survey approach in their investigation. In order to accomplish this, the study included a total of 2469 participants from all 39 public primary schools and six private primary schools in Turkana Central Sub-County. There were a total of 300 Mathematics educators, 45 administrators (as there are 45 schools), 1824 class eight kids from public primary schools, and 300 pupils from private primary schools. The study utilized a sample size of 266 participants. The researcher employed stratified, random, and purposive selection procedures to select a sample from the population based on their capacities, group features, and progressive recordings. A questionnaire was distributed to the head teachers, instructors, and children. The questionnaire was also  distributed to the principals, educators, and students. The data, both quantitative and qualitative, was evaluated using inferential statistics and delivered through Tables, graphs, frequency distribution, and charts in a descriptive manner. According to Khatri (2020), a research paradigm is a perspective that contains assumptions about what may be examined. Such a perspective entails the most successful methods of investigation. It also encompass the dependability of knowledge. The study incorporates both positivist and interpretivist paradigms. The study demonstrates the presence of the positivist paradigm by employing quantitative data analysis techniques, specifically inferential statistics. Positivism prioritizes the unbiased observation and quantification of phenomena. Positivism aims to reveal empirical patterns and connections among variables. The study assesses measurable variables in line with positivism approach. These variables include teaching resources, teachers' credentials, and parental influence, on pupils' performance in Mathematics. Equally, the study demonstrates the presence of the interpretivist paradigm. For example, in the examination of subjective experiences. Subjective experiences in this study are the attitudes of students towards Mathematics. Interpretivism prioritizes comprehending social phenomena by considering subjective experiences, meanings, and interpretations. The study recognizes the significance of individual views in influencing educational outcomes. Thus, researchers analyzed pupils' attitudes and perceptions, demonstrating an interpretivist approach. The second article by Titus (2018) aims to ascertain the degree of parental engagement in influencing their children's academic performance. The study aimed to assess the level of parental engagement in overseeing their children's schoolwork, examine the impact of Parents Association (PA) collaboration on students' academic performance, identify the factors parents take into account when choosing a school for their children, and identify the obstacles parents encounter when engaging in their kid's education (Titus, 2018). The article’s ontological presumptions are a combination of objectivism and realism. The research provides an objective description of the study area, population demographics, and academic achievement statistics. For instance, the research region of Soy and Turbo is characterized statistically. The author details the regions’ geographical coordinates, agricultural practices, and people demographics. Similarly, academic performance data are used. Data such as KCPE...
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