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mechanis,m of drug action (Essay Sample)

### Mechanism of Drug Action: Understanding How Medications Work #### Introduction The mechanism of drug action refers to the specific biochemical interaction through which a drug substance produces its pharmacological effect. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing new medications, improving therapeutic outcomes, and minimizing adverse effects. #### Importance of Understanding Drug Mechanisms 1. **Drug Development**: Knowledge of mechanisms aids in designing more effective and targeted therapies. 2. **Therapeutic Efficacy**: Helps in predicting how drugs will perform in different populations. 3. **Safety Profile**: Identifies potential side effects and interactions with other drugs. 4. **Personalized Medicine**: Allows for the customization of drug therapy based on individual genetic makeup and disease states. #### Key Concepts in Drug Mechanisms 1. **Receptor Binding**: Drugs often act by binding to specific receptors on the surface of cells, initiating a cascade of cellular events. 2. **Enzyme Inhibition**: Many drugs function by inhibiting enzymes involved in disease processes, thus altering the biochemical pathways. 3. **Ion Channel Modulation**: Some drugs affect the flow of ions across cell membranes, influencing cellular excitability and function. 4. **Signal Transduction**: Drugs can modify the signal transduction pathways inside cells, leading to changes in cell behavior. #### Mechanisms of Drug Action 1. **Agonists and Antagonists** - **Agonists**: These drugs bind to receptors and mimic the action of endogenous substances, activating the receptor to produce a biological response. For example, morphine is an agonist at opioid receptors, providing pain relief. - **Antagonists**: These drugs bind to receptors but do not activate them. Instead, they block the action of endogenous substances or other drugs. For example, beta-blockers such as propranolol are antagonists at beta-adrenergic receptors, used to manage source..
UNIT TITLE: LAW AND ETHICS UNIT CODE:BCM 3111 PRE-REQUISITE:NONE CONTACT HOURS:42 CREDIT HOURS:3 HOURS Purpose This course is designed to enable understand professional ethics, conduct of moral agents in society and laws that are relevant to the practice of medicine. Expected Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, the learner should be able to; 1 Explain law, ethics and molarity 2 Describe civil law and criminal law 3 Describe the legal process and court system in Kenya 4 Describe legal terminologies 5 Describe types of courts Course Content Introduction; Laws, Ethics and Molarity. Legal process and court system in Kenya; legal terminologies, plaintiff, defendant, legislation, ligitation, writ, affidavit. Courts; civil and criminal, civil law, criminal law. Professional ethics; Geneva declaration, international code of Medical Ethics, federation Dentine International (FDI) Principle. Medical Practitioner and Dentist Board; function, disciplinary measures, dental act, nursing act. Forensic dentistry Instructional Materials and Equipments 1 Photographs 2 Overhead Projectors Learning and Teaching Methodologies 1 Lectures 2 Demonstrations 3 Group Discussions 4 Presentations Course Assessments CAT and Assignment/Practical’s 30% Main Exam 70%; Total - 100% Core Textbooks 1 Frost, C (2010) Journalism ethics and regulation 3rd edition, Harlow, England: New York: person 2 James E Lawrence, A, Weber, J (10th Edition) Business society: corporate strategy, public policy, ethics press 3 Mc Hale, Jean, V. Garlagher, A (2003) Edinburgh New York, Butterworth, Heinemann 4 Tench, R Sun, W Jones, B (2014) communicating and cooperate social responsibility Bingley UK Emerald 5 Sengar Vickey (2008) 1st edition, Nairobi Cyber tech Publishers Recommended Books/Materials for further reading 1 1. Frost, C (2010) Journalism ethics and regulation 3rd edition, Harlow, England: New York: person 2 James E Lawrence, A, Weber, J (10th Edition) Business society: corporate strategy, public policy, ethics press E – Journals and E Books 1 2 3 4 5 Week Topic Subtopic Methodology Week 1 Introduction Overview and definition of concepts lecture, Discussions Week 2 Legal system in Kenya Definition of law and judicial system in Kenya lecture...
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