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carbohydrates (Essay Sample)

its all about nutrition health related how consumption of foods affec the metabolism of the body in what way people are supposed to do so as to reduce the diet one should minimize frequent eating of carbohydrates as it causes formation of fat buildup i the body as a reuslt one adds weigt this can be subsidized by eating a balanced diet,,more of fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy diet source..
THE BENEFITS OF REDUCING CARBOHYDRATES IN YOUR DIET * low carbohydrate intake aids in weight loss which occurs through burning excess fats that are accumulated in the body inform of glucose by the process of glycolysis * it also leads to reduction in appetite habits which would help in healthy life style * It helps in reduction of chronic metabolic illnesses such as diabetes * As we all know that diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs due to insulin resistance or the body is not able to generate enough insulin in the body thus excess glucose in the body can’t be broken down by the liver enzymes * It also helps in lowering of body lipids which are fats accumulated in the blood vessels which could harde...
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