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A Moment of Decision (Essay Sample)

The task is to write a five-paragraph narrative memoir based on a personal experience, incorporating detailed imagery, setting, characters, themes, and plot. The introduction should capture the reader's attention with a thesis statement summarizing the story. The first body paragraph should focus on vivid imagery, engaging the five senses to describe a significant part of the experience. The second body paragraph should detail the characters involved, exploring their actions, thoughts, appearances, speech, and impact on the story. The third body paragraph should describe the setting, including the time, place, social context, weather, season, economy, and social class. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the narrative and reflect on its significance, offering thoughts or intentions for the present and future. The goal is to create an engaging and descriptive narrative that immerses the reader in the writer's personal experience. source..
A Moment of Decision A Moment of Decision I was unaware that tomorrow is today and today is tomorrow, and sometimes, it is yesterday, but I was unprepared for today to be the new tomorrow. It sounds quite bewildering, maybe as bewildering as those years that would follow. Everything happened very fast. Initially, we were standing on the hill of sand, full of enthusiasm, holding our balance to bounce on the sea. The next thing we knew, we were embracing our first-born daughter. But above it lay that sunshine that we had assumed for years to keep us warm, which would now be welcoming a cold and unwanted darkness. It is a cycle of events that lie in the very nature of life: a rapid succession of changes that encompasses the dichotomy of happy and sad, as well as a prime directive that delineates our life’s course from one extreme to another. I have never forgotten the day that provided me so much excitement and happiness. The hill was like a mutant, with a steep height and grass as green as an emerald in sunlight. The ocean below was an impressive shade of blue, calling out with promises of adventure and pleasant strolls on its seemingly never-ending expanse. I could almost touch the wind as it blew over the water; I could almost hear the distant screeching of seagulls; and, most of all, I could practically taste the brine of the sea. Its beating caused the rhythm to rise, both spooky and giddy simultaneously. In our youthfulness, we believed we could conquer the world, become whatever we wanted to be, and do whatever we wanted– that we would do today! The laughter from my friends, the signal given by looking at each other, and the bond we built during this activity can be considered a miracle. When we first welcomed our first daughter, the world changed dramatically. That is why she was so tiny and so fragile but, at the same time, possessed such an incredible measure of life. Her frequent subtle screams may have been the tune of reinvention, her tiny hands clamping around ours so tightly. We took turns admiring her with a level of appreciation that cannot be put into words – the spread of her eyelashes, the formation of her lips into a little smile, and the cuddly feel of the baby’s body against the skin. It remains faintly fragranced, between baby powder and dreams and the soft, almost inaudible songs floating through the air. The measure is ordinary, and this scenario draws a curtain to our lives where the love shown cannot be measured. She was our shining star, a source of light and hope in this dark world. But then again, we all know that life has its way of suddenly coming up with changes. In this piece, the narrator explains that the changes are slow as if the fog is moving gradually closer. The humor that used to reside inside our home decreased after some time; the only sound was apprehension without words. Our days became dully lit – we no longer had sunshine to warm our abode; shad0ws seemed to exist in every corner of our existence. The hills were alive with emerald greens that appeared far away, more so a grey hue of memories. Difficulties arose, and we had to fight them to the ground: we were literally and metaphorically thrown into the deep and deep into ourselves, and in this critical drama, the seemingly simple and innocent days transformed into doubtful ones. In some ways, it was as if the familiar characteristics of how we warmed ourselves had been slowly taken away, and all that remained was the capabilities of dealing with a new coldness. At that moment, we were both confronted with what seemed to be a very ordinary decision, a decision of such propo...
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