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The essay gives my point of view on the topic, " can men and women be friends without sexual attraction ". There may be various viiews on how we look at this topic as someone else might have a llok at it as a give and take kind of relation. However, it's my understanding and opinion that it's possible for such kinds of relationships to exist without necessarily one engaging sexually with the other source..
Can Men and Women Be Friends Without Sexual Attraction Can Men and Women Be Friends Without Sexual Attraction The issues of friendship between men and women with no sexual interest between them have turned out to be quite popular and discussed. This question raises some philosophical questions concerning relations between people and roles people play in friendships (van Beusekom et al., 2020). Looking into this topic presupposes knowledge of the processes that occur in the interactions of males and females, norms, and the definition of sexual boundaries that people set for themselves when interacting with representatives of the opposite sex. Traditionally, male-female friendships most of the time viewed as a potential source of romantic/sexual relationship. This scrutiny has its origins in conventional assumptions that claim that such relationships are bound to be basically sexual (Antonsen et al., 2020. Modern era opinions has started to understand that it is very possible for men and women to develop highly spiritual and purely friendly relationships (Welsch et al., 2020). This change is attributed to social factors where there is equality between men and women and different people of the opposite sex can understand one another on the mental, emotional and spiritual basis without necessarily having to be boyfriend and girlfriend. There is research on psychology that has given knowledge on the probity of men and women to have friendly friendship (Antonsen et al., 2020). Some of the observational research findings reveal that practicing respect, communicating effectively and setting clear professional boundaries are important in maintaining such friendships as nonsexual. For instance, avoidance of intimate touch, frank communication about the nature of the relationship, and making sure both people understand the parameters of the relationship can reduce the chances of a sexual aspect developing. That way, friends can spend time together and be comfortable with each other regardless of any emerging feelings that may complicate the friendship. Another factor that should not be overlooked is the impact of individual differences. Human factors such as past experiences in relationships, attitude towards people, and overall maturity determine how long-lasting friendships will last (Meenagh et al., 2021). There are people who tend to compartmentalize friendliness from passion more flawlessly than others do; similarly, there are people who may have difficulty in doing so perfectly. Acknowledging these differences is crucial in providing the rationale as to why some male-female friendships can work when there are no elements of sexual attraction and why it cannot. Cultural and social factors also have a critical influence on the kind of relationship that is possible for males and females. The more the society is liberal in the interaction between genders, the more men and women are likely to share friendship without having to be romantically involved (Apostolou et al., 2021). On the other hand, in cultures where strict gender roles are observed and policed, there can be a possibility that these kinds of friendships may not be common or may even be considered as suspicious. This cultural lens brings into focus the fact that when discussing the possibility of having friendship between men and women, one has to take into consideration the social context of the two. In conclusion, men and women can remain friends without any sexual motives being invo...
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