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Body in Motion Assessment Task Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


It was a nursing paper which required discussion the skills, muscle and biochemical reaction applied while playing football.


Body in Motion Assessment Task
Name: Christopher Guerrera
Sport: Football/Soccer

The skill being examined: Shooting the ball

Analyse the benefits of the TWO Health and TWO Skill-related components of fitness most influential in your chosen sport, AND justify why these components are the most influential on performance in your chosen sport.
Fitness in soccer is applied in varying ways. There needs to be an in-depth analysis of the various fitness components. That way, it will make it easier to analyze the specific physical requirement for one to be successful in soccer. Some of the skills and health fitness components include aerobic capacity, anaerobic power, body composition, balance, power, strength, muscular endurance, speed, reaction time, coordination, and flexibility.
Aerobic power (health-related component of fitness) refers to the maximum rate of energy produced during the aerobic energy system. Aerobic energy is produced in the presence of oxygen. Therefore, the respiratory and cardiovascular system should coordinate in delivering oxygen to the muscles for various physical activities that will require aerobic power. The player's cardiovascular and respiratory systems must be highly trained. It will ensure that the player produced sufficient ATP for the muscles that are in use under high intensity (Evangelos et al., 2016). The muscles will efficiently replenish the aerobic system after extended practice or game in the field.

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