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Research And Describe Challenges Facing Healthcare Providers (Essay Sample)


Based on the journal article below, discuss the difficulties that healthcare providers may encounter in diagnosing mental illness in chronically medically ill patients.
Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format (you can go to purdue owl online if you have questions or use This post is Due 2/15/18 at 11:59pm. Peer Response Due 2/18/18 at 11:59pm. Each student must respond to at least one other student's original post by 2/18/18. This grade is a compilation of both the original post and the response post.


Discussion 1
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Challenges that healthcare providers encounter in diagnosing mental illness in chronically medically ill patients.
Healthcare providers usually play a crucial role in helping sick patients in coping up with healthy skills. They do help patients with chronic conditions to adjust to their aspirations, lifestyles, and employment. In doing so, they may experience various challenges. Diagnosing and treating mental illness in chronically medically ill patients may be challenging since most of them may develop some psychiatrist’s disorders such as anxiety and depression (Turner & Kelly, 2000).
At times it is difficult to diagnose symptoms such as depression in medically ill patients. A patient may experience physical symptoms such as disturbed sleep, lack of appetite and lack of energy. At times treatments for some conditions such as the use of steroids may affect the patient’s moods. An example of such diseases is chronic respiratory infections that may affect cerebral moods (Turner & Kelly, 2000). This situation may cause a functional limitation and may result in a distress which can confuse most clinicians in conceptualizing such a distress.
The process of diagnosis of mental illness in patients in chronically ill patients can be complicated since the antidepressants drugs may tend to aggravate the medical condition of the patient. The presence of impaired renal or hepatic functions may also alter the drug metabolism in the patient (Turner & Kelly, 2000). Healthcare givers may have challenges in selecting a suitable antidepressant as this may require a careful assessment of the risks involved. Diagnosing patients with chronic medical illness may tend to...
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