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Clyche Everythinh Happens For a Reason Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


the student was asked to discuss a cliche 'everything happens for a reason'. that is what the sample is all about


Everything Happens for a Reason
Difficult moment calls for solace or a means of ventilation and this basically qualifies the Cliché “everything happens for a reason”. The logic behind this cliché is that as human beings, we undergo some difficult times and therefore we need some form of peace of mind informed by the knowledge that all is fine. In Christianity, the bible has been used to affirm this thought of a serene and peaceful man in times of hardship with full reliance on a higher power. For example Romans 8:28 which basically reads “and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, him who has been called according to his purpose.
Nevertheless, the reasoning behind this cliché that human’s best interest is catered for by the universe even at the darkest moment is not entirely right. When we are faced with adversaries, we console ourselves by attributing it to a higher cause which is beyond our comprehension but the question we need to ask is, are words enough when trying to help grieving? Do we really understand their pain? It is hard to be comforted in the knowledge that “everything happens for a reason”. Freshly crushed hearts can only see a world spinning out of control in numb disbelief of a new reality therefore telling one that all will be fine is not okay because at that moment it is not. Importantly, time should be the healer and we should avoid telling others that what they are going through is normal and fine. The reality is that they are in pain and we should acknowledge that because the clichés might not bring peace. We should also enc

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