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Should Schools Start Later in the Morning (Essay Sample)


talks about the school schedules


Essay: Should schools start later in the morning?
The school schedule is important especially to the students or pupils and teachers who are the main parties in a schooling environment. A school schedule enables proper preparations before the daily activities takes place in a school..
When schools start later in the morning, it will give time for a higher percentage of students and teaching staff to arrive to the school facilities before the teaching practices begin. Everyone will get to settle in the various classes and departments . This will create time for adequate preparations before the learning begin. This will prevent confusions and chaos in the schools. There will be orderliness in the school. Moreover, some students are affected by cold weather conditions in the morning. These students will have to come after some morning hours have passed so that they will not succumb to the morning weather. Hence, the need for the schools to consider them adequately. Sometimes morning lessons are challenging since some students will still be having sleeping hangovers. The performance of these students may eventually be affected because some of them sleep in the morning lessons classes.
However, starting the school activities later in the

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