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Collaboration Cafe on Healthcare Issues (Essay Sample)

The paper selects a healthcare article published in one of the famous magazines and discusses a healthcare issue it IDENTIFIED, IT'S potential impact on the healthcare sector. The paper also discusses the various ways an advanced practice nurse can utilize the information to enhance their future practice source..
NR586 Week 2 Collaboration Café Student's Name Program Name or Degree University Course Instructor's Name Date NR586 Week 2 Collaboration Café Advanced practice nurses (APNs) play vital roles in their chosen areas of expertise. This discussion explores an issue from a blog, its impact on communities, and my practice as an APN. The blog discusses focusing on families to improve caregiving systems. Its title is "Three Ways to Center Families in Improving Caregiving Systems" by Ng'andu (2023). The article discusses the importance of including families and considering their perspectives in caregiving. Caregiving is an essential aspect of healthcare that ensures care continuity and improves outcomes for individuals and families. It acknowledges the significance of caregiving and the roles of all stakeholders in enhancing caregiving and identifying and addressing barriers to quality caregiving. A core philosophy and driving question are: how can anything be designed without you support you? Some principles developed to enhance family engagement in caregiving practices include "engaging parents as experts, ensuring equity, prioritizing social capital, and cultivating learning and evaluation" (Ng'andu, 2023). The blog requires care professionals to consider and value the caregivers' perspectives in their work, aiming to enhance outcomes. The issue may increase the quality of care for the communities as the care perspectives will soft to family-focused care. According to Hart et al. (2020), family-focused care ensures patients get the best care while families receive the support and empowerment they need. Diseases and illnesses put significant strain on families as family members are the primary caregivers to ailing relatives. Considering their perspectives and being fully involved in care will help improve patient outcomes, family-care provider relations, and family integrity and promote healthier communities (Harvath et al., 2020). Thus, the issue will positively impact the communities I will serve as an advanced practice registered nurse. The information learned will help focus more on family-centered care delivery. My future career goal is to venture into independent practice and work more closely with community members. Caregiving is an integral issue that affects healthcare, and its impact is more remarkable in primary care. As an advanced practice nurse in primary care, centering primary care on families will help improve the quality of care in caregiving. The initiative will help leverage the input of family members in caring for their family members. It will enhance collaboration and coordination among care providers, patients, and their families and improve shared decision-making,...
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