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peer speaking (Essay Sample)

The thing that impressed me the most about this speech was its delivery. The presenter paid close attention to body language. His posture was appropriate and he was at ease with the crowd. His facial expression changed in line with variations in the message. Moreover, gestures were neither overused nor ignored. The only thing that went amiss with this speech was the loading of demonstrations; the speaker had trouble loading the illustrations from his flash drive. Throughout the presentation of the speech, the thought on my mind was on its relevance to our situation as students. Paying attention especially during lectures is something most of us find hard. This speech illustrated the importance of paying attention and stated innovative ways to remain attentive. The main thing I learned from this pre source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject DD MM YYYY My Peer Evaluation of Speeches #1 Speaker’s name, Architecture, B: I awarded this speech a B grade because of how the subject matter was presented. The speaker used technical architectural terms throughout the speech. This was hard to follow, especially for students in the crowd who had no prior knowledge in the field of architecture. What I liked about the speech was its integration of video illustrations into the presentation. The illustrations fitted perfectly into the speech. Additionally, they were presented in a way that did not distract the listeners. This speech aroused a feeling of curiosity in me. The concepts of architecture presented by the author were unusual but delivered in a convincing manner. From this presentation, I learned the importance of organizing speech content properly. In a good speech, one point effortlessly leads to the other and illustrations marry well with the content. I also learned the importance of picking the right words for a speech. The vocabulary used should take into account the crowd to which the speech is being delivered. In an instance such as this where the crowd is general no jargon should be used. #2 Speaker’s name, the power of attention, A: The thing that impressed me the most about this speech was its delivery. The presenter paid close attention to body language. His posture was appropriate and he was at ease with the crowd. His facial expression changed in line with variations in the message. Moreover, gestures were neither overused nor ignored. The only thing that went amiss with this speech was the loading of demonstrations; the speaker had trouble loading the illustrations from his flash drive. Throughout the presentation of the speech, the thought on my mind was on its relevance to our situation as students. Paying attention especially during lectures is something most of us find hard. This speech illustrated the importance of paying attention and stated innovative ways to remain attentive. The main thing I learned from this presentation is the importance of body language. Body language spices up a good speech. #3 Speaker’s name, body language, D: I gave this speaker a D because of poor voice delivery. For most parts of the speech, the speaker was inaudible. He presented the speech in a monotone; this made it hard for the audience to pay attention. To make things worse the presentation lacked any form of energy. Throughout the presentation, filler words were used. The only positive thing about this speech was its relevance to the setting. There is arguably no better place to speak about body language than in a forum where speech presentation is being practiced. Throughout the presentation of this speech, I was bored. I literally struggled to listen to the message of the speech. This experience served to emphasize the importance of being audible when presenting a speech. An address is to be presented in a way that the listeners get the message without struggling. No single person likes struggling to listen to a speaker, they will find better things to do. #4 Speaker’s name, Apple (the company), A: This speech deserves an A grade because of the research that went into it. This speech covered every single aspect of the giant company; from its start in a garage to its growth into a multimillion-dollar company. All this was done within the time allocate for the speech. Additionally, all the facts presented in the speech were backed up with references to authentic sources. The only negative thing about this speech is its lack of appropriate visual aids. The photos used to show the humble be...
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