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Commencement Speech At My High School Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


Special occasion speech please make this paper at least a page long. This paper is for a speech class & it should be written as if I was talking to a group of people


High School Commencement Speech
Hi everyone. Well, I would like to express my joy for being honored to present this speech before you. Wow, it’s amazing that we’re all graduating! I would like to start by thanking everyone present in this memorable event. Feel much honored to be part of this school. To our supportive principal, thank you very much for offering us a chance to gain knowledge under your leadership. Also, it is with great honor, I recognize the effort of our able teachers, parents, friends and families who have worked tirelessly in support of our academics in this journey.
You all have participated in shaping our lives into how we are today. I can confidently say that we could be different had it not been your effort.

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