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Conflict In A Stephen King’s Mind-boggling Novella "The Mist" (Essay Sample)


Conflict in Stephen King's the Mist

Conflict in Stephen King’s the Mist Name Institutional Affiliation Conflict in Stephen King’s the Mist Stephen King’s novella The Mist is a mind-boggling story which centers around seven childhood friends who are reuniting twenty-seven years later to fulfill a childhood wish of trying to rid the town of the ghost. It is a horror book revealing man's struggle with the powers of nature, which poses a sharp conflict (King, 2007). The combination of magic, mystery, and horror is both breath-taking and entertaining as it reveals the human limits in their quest to do good. The friends are determined to put a halt to the troubling cycle of death and destruction, amidst the determination of the underworld to continue perpetuating it. The question is, will evil win over morality? The book details a large group of people entrapped in a supermarket after a sudden storm extends for days without ceasing before a thick mist, from which the book obtains its title emerge. In the mist, is a swarm of tentacles which hunts and kills humans such as Norm, Norton and a group of boys before the reality asserts itself (King, 2007). The incident pushes the natives to absolute fear, calling for an immediate plan to kill the monster and avert the danger that lurks in the mist. The conflict stems from the desire to be free against the strong forces that seek to hold them hostage. Similarly, there are those who stand for change against the rising powers of religious zealots like Mrs. Comedy and David who tries to remain silent in the wake of obtrusive adversity (King, 2007). Another conflict in the Mist emerge from the rumors of a government research facility outside the town seen as the potential source of the monstrous creatures, and the human urge to take their lives before the calamity befalls them (King, 2007). Most people, upon their internal battles with self, choose suicide over suffering, while others fall under Mrs. Carmody’s spell, viewing the mi...
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