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Critical Case Study Analysis on Anne Woosley's Family (Essay Sample)

Write a critical reflection about this case study. This case study illustrates the complex and challenging dynamics that often accompany end-of-life care within a family context. Discuss the importance of professionalism. In this context, professionalism is crucial for the effective support and care of Anne and Arthur during this challenging time. source..
Critical Case Study Analysis on Anne Woosley's Family Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name/Title Instructor's Name Due Date Critical Case Study Analysis on Anne Woosley's Family This report critically analyses Anne's worries, fears, and emotional and physical issues concerning determining her future in providing support and care to her husband, Arthur (94 years), who is facing his end of life due to Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Focusing on Anne as the primary caregiver, this case analysis further directs Anne Woolsey on the concepts, interpersonal and interprofessional collaborations, ethical skills, and values that will be involved in helping her deliver adequate care to the patient while ensuring her health. Additionally, the report discusses the concepts that would underpin the social work practice, such as professionalism and social work ethics and values, and further explains how they would influence the delivery of services from a social worker perspective to the family based on the social work England's professional standards. Finally, the report discusses the viable communication skills and how they would apply to the family and the interprofessional in ensuring adequate care delivery. Importance of Professionalism in the Presentation of Self Social workers provide care in situations that require adhering to the maximum level of professionalism to protect themselves and the people they help in this situation, Anne. The attributes that should be practiced in providing services to Anne and the family are dictated by the code of ethics for social work, including a high level of competence, integrity, knowledge, emotional intelligence, and respect. Professionalism in presenting oneself to Anne and the family contributes to avoiding misunderstandings. Anne, in this case, is in a vulnerable state, which includes being worried about the future of her patient and her abilities to provide him with adequate support and care considering the mental, emotional, and physical challenges. Professionalism thus ensures that as a social worker, empathy and professionalism build trust with the client and the entire family while acting appropriately based on the situation at hand (Joseph, 2021, p. 46). Moreover, the professional practice in providing social services to Anne ensures effective communication and management of Anne's relationships. Adhering to the required ethical standards in this case sets forth respect and competence between the social worker and the receiver of the services (Moudatsou et al., 2020, p. 26). This includes setting confidentiality measures such as ensuring emotional distance from the client and thus providing professional services based on the client's requirements. Social Work Values and Ethics and the Application that Underpins My Social Practice Respect for the dignity and worthiness of the patient and the caregiver are vital values that should be observed in this situation. Adhering to human dignity, worth, and well-being is the first principle of the British Association of Social Workers code of ethics (Dominelli, 2020, p. 9). The first step in working effectively with Anne, the patient, and the entire family is ensuring respect and dignity for all humans despite their illnesses, as expressed in the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Pinto, 2021, p. 2). The caregiver has already undergone eight years of tremendous challenges. Therefore, to ensure I provide the required support effectively, it is critical to recognize and respect the dignity of both the caregiver and the patient. Consequently, to ensure professionalism, it is crucial to treat them with sensitivity, empathy, and respect for their preferences without passing any judgment. As a social worker, it is critical to ensure their preferences regarding their end-of-life care needs meet their desires. For instance, the caregiver's desire and her family to provide support to the patient and ensure he dies while surrounded by the family. Social work prioritizes the values of social justice and integrity for the targeted individuals. Anne has the right to access health services. It is critical to assess the barriers to access to care and services. In the case of Anne, the significant barrier to accessing services towards addressing their work is their location in the village, which lacks an appropriate level of support as the two both have issues related to their ailment and age, respectively (Developing Together Social Work (BASW), 2020). As their social worker, it is critical to advocate for more family support from the family, friends, and people in their social circle to enhance how they access social and health services from home. Additionally, it is critical to be transparent, open, and honest with the patient, the caregiver, and the family members about the services they should access and what they are lacking and to create a clear understanding of the situation in creating an effective support plan. Cultural competence and self-determination are vital social work values that should be applied in providing end-of-life care and support to the patient and the caregiver. As a social worker, providing the patient and their family services should be a self-motivation towards serving the community. As a self-determined social worker, I prioritize Anne's and Arthur's autonomous decision-making regardless of the available options, mainly on end-of-life preferences (The British Association of Social Workers, 2012, p. 10). It is further critical as a social worker for the family to provide the caregiver and family with the information and support required to decide on their preferred care. Additionally, being aware of the patient's and his family's culture is essential before providing the information to the patient. This includes their religious beliefs and their thoughts on healthcare services and medication. As a social worker, it is vital to embrace diversity to relate with the patients and their families and also be sensitive to their preferences motivated by their cultural preferences. The information and support provided should, therefore, be sensitive to the family's cultural background and beliefs as they are critical in influencing their decision and their perception of the illnesses and death. Additionally, based on the human code of ethics, creating and encouraging human relationships for the involved parties is vital. As a social worker, one of the primary roles is ensuring the collaboration between the family and the professionals within the family dynamics to enhance the effectiveness of support provided (The British Association of Social Workers, 2012, p. 8). Therefore, strengthening the relationship between Annie and the patient and their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren should be more substantial to influence a more vital collaboration within the family dynamics. Considering the closeness of the family, mainly between the two and their children Carol and Jean, as well as their neighbor Betty, ensure they understood their roles and responsibilities in enhancing the end-of-life care for Arthur and support Anne in enhancing her care for the patient. In this case, Betty, as the neighbor and the closest person available daily, could be responsible for checking on Anne and helping with the available house chores when she can. Collaborations with Others As a social worker in this case, it is critical to show Anne the available services based on the area's social justice system in providing mental, emotional, and physical support. While Anne needs to continue providing personal care to the patient, there is a need for an effective support plan for both the friends and family members involved and the interprofessional parties. As a caregiver, Anne has the right to mental, physical, and emotional services for herself and the patients she provides care to. Thus, the social worker must connect the caregiver with the appropriate medical practitioners, such as the general practitioner who attended the patient's surgery for constant health checks and provides care recommendations based on the patient's situation. Recommendations of services should be made to the caregiver and the family for the equipment necessary to ease the work done by the caregiver. For instance, automated equipment to ease the work of cleaning, easing Arthur's movement, and the house chores and provide Anne with ample time to attend to personal needs such as socializing once in a while and also ensure she sleeps well to reduce the emotional challenges. as a social worker it is critical to organize with the family members mainly the two daughters on a support plan to arrange to delegate some house chores. For instance, the gardening chores and the house's financial management are becoming hectic for Anne. A spider diagram should also be created for Anne to show the essential services and contact details to reach out to in the case of the need for assessment for both the caregiver and the patient. As a social worker, providing a collaborative channel between the family and the professionals is critical in ensuring quality services and that the family's needs are met in the long run with autonomy on Arthur's needs and preferences. Collaboration between the health professionals and the family creates an appropriate support system. It ensures a comfortable and dignified end of life for the patient and eases the challenges for the primary caregiver. In this context, professionalism is crucial in providing quality care and support to the patient and the caregiver. The values and ethics based on the social workers' requirements further enhance the service quality, including being empathetic on the issue. Primary considerations are ensuring the dignity and autonomy of the caregiver, the patient, and the family and practical, open, and honest communication with significant concern for the pati...
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