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Ethical dilemmas of physician-assisted suicide (Essay Sample)

The text explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding physician-assisted suicide (PAS), emphasizing the balance between patient autonomy and the potential for misuse. It discusses how PAS allows individuals to control their end-of-life decisions while raising concerns about the devaluation of life and possible coercion of vulnerable groups. Additionally, the text highlights the emotional and moral challenges faced by healthcare professionals involved in PAS. The conclusion calls for careful consideration of these ethical issues to ensure that policies respect patient choice while preventing abuse. source..
Ethical Dilemmas of Physician-Assisted Suicide Introduction Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) remains a contentious issue in medical ethics, presenting a spectrum of ethical dilemmas. This practice involves a physician providing a patient with the means to end their own life, typically through a prescription for a lethal dose of medication. As it gains legal acceptance in various jurisdictions, the ethical implications of PAS warrant thorough examination. One major ethical dilemma revolves around autonomy and the right to die with dignity. Proponents argue that PAS respects patient autonomy, allowing individuals to control their end-of-life decisions and avoid prolonged suffering (Dworkin, 2022). The right to self-determination is central to the ethical justification of PAS, suggesting that patients should have the liberty to choose how and when they die. Conversely, critics emphasize the potential for abuse and the moral implications of intentionally ending a life. They argue that PAS may undermine the value of human life and lead to a slippery slope where vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or disabled, might be coerced into choosing death (Glick, 2023). Additionally, there are concerns about the role of physicians in potentially contributing to the moral erosion of medical practice, where the primary mission of alleviating suffering could be compromised by a focus on ending life (Norris & Phillips, 2021). Furthermore, the emotional and psychological impact on healthcare professionals is significant. Physicians involved in PAS may experience moral distress or ethical conflicts, which could affect their professional well-being and the overall healthcare environment (Smith, 2024). Conclusion The ethical dilemmas of physician-assisted suicide underscore the complexity of balanci...
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