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About Definition Of Cryptography, How Algorithm Works (Essay Sample)


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Definition of cryptography
Cryptography is also called cryptology. It is defined as the study and practice of various methods for efficient communication in availability of third parties called adversaries. However, cryptography consists of construction and analysis of protocols which makes private messages not to be read by the third parties. Cryptography also prevents the exposure of various aspects in security of information which includes confidentiality, authentication, data integrity and non-repudiation. Modern cryptography can be found in the disciplines of computer science, electrical engineering, physics, communication science and also mathematics. Cryptography can be applied in the following fields; payment cards which are chip based electronic commerce, digital currencies, military communications and computer passwords. Modern cryptography mostly uses the theory of mathematics and practice of computer science. ( Mihir el al, 2005)
How Algorithm works
A cryptography algorithm is defined as a function of mathematics utilized in the process of encryption and decryption. Cryptography algorithm works when combined with a key, a number, phrase or a word for the encryption of the plaintext to take place. The encrypted plaintext then encrypt to various cipher text with distinguished keys. The encrypted security data depends on two things which include the cryptographic algori...
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