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Should Families Of Victims Be Allowed To Decide The Punishment Of Those Who Commit Crimes? (Essay Sample)


Should families of victims be allowed to decide the punishment of those who commit crimes?

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14 February 2018
Should families of victims be allowed to decide the punishment of those who commit crimes?
You have been accused of committing a crime. The last thing you want is to face the family of the daughter you wronged. There is now a new law in the system, where the family now have to choose your punishment. Your fate lies on the hands of those people you wronged, those people who are blaming you for their daughter’s disappearance. If the families of the victims got into control this is exactly how things would be, some families would only need an apology while others would get in extreme revenge. When we allow the families victims to determine criminal sentences this will make the system of justice to be personal rather than a social institution.
I strongly believe that the reason why we have judges is that they may be able to examine a situation in its totality, without taking a personal stake in the outcome of their judgement. Revenge is something that has played a role in the human nature throughout the history, it destruction to anything that comes is in its path. Families would take the pain and anguish cause by the criminal and they would target to create the same kind of misery to the criminal.
Many employed people would become unemployed ...
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