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Defining Terrorism in Political Aspects (Essay Sample)

DEFINING terrorism, conflict, and war Subject: Other Sources: 4 sources required Style: APA 7th edition Description Questions that need to be answered. If you were asked to develop a definition of terrorism, what political aspects would you apply in your definition? Do you believe that the definition of terrorism used by the United States is concise? Historical circumstances have had a powerful impact on the meaning of terrorism. Do you believe that the meaning of terrorism will change again in the future? What would need to occur in order to change the definition? Response Guidelines Active engagement with the topic assigned will include the submission of a substantive post (500+ words) for each of the writing topics. Each submission should demonstrate your achievement of the participation criteria. In addition, these submissions should present supporting information relevant to the topic (do not plagiarize, use in-text citations and references in APA style). You are expected to use APA 7th edition formatting for your submission, if you are unfamiliar with it, look it up. Each work should have at least two sources used in response. source..
Defining Terrorism in Political Aspects Student’s name: Professor’s name: Course number: Date: Defining Terrorism in Political Aspects Combating terrorism is the grand centerpiece policy of many foreign countries today, including the U.S. Yet terrorism has been defined with an open-minded idea that affects the country politically and collated into law by many Western countries. Many scholars have long written about defining the term as complex to find a universal definition of terrorism. In contrast, others prove that it is impossible to develop a report that holds every method and means of the act. However, the global definition that may be accepted and broad to many peoples is that violence is an act that people don’t support. Furthermore, considerable debate among the western countries was happening every day to develop a broad definition. Simultaneously, implications of truancy of a universal report of terrorism may lead to term misuse and politicization. Thus, for a state to curb the terrorist act may violate its citizens' human rights in their effort of counter-terrorism. The predicate of agreeing based on determining the use of violence and when and by whom it will be directed is legitimate. Although its definition is not universally agreed upon, it can be understood broadly as a coercion method that threatens and utilizes violence to spread fear and have the capability to attain ideological goals politically. Therefore, the essay will focus on the notion of defining terrorism aspects for political legitimacy. Political aspects in terrorism definition Although there is no agreement of a universal definition of the term terrorism, notwithstanding the broad consensus, many governments intend to use violence to achieve their political gains either in non-state or the state in particular. Moreover, most governments are responsible for coming up with a concise definition of the term. They are systematically biased, for they exclude government in the description since it is highly pejorative (Zanotto et al. 2020). In political consideration, as terrorism comes with a lack of morality and legitimacy, the government may not like defining it. The international response to curb terrorism is much desired on the legal framework to the rule of law respecting human rights. Concerning the terrorist attacks in 2001, international support started engaging in counter-terrorism (De Londras, et al. (2018). The countries plan the measures to solve the matters by engaging in counter-terrorism response. Thus, nations came together and formed the United Nations which responsibility was to curb and eliminate international terrorism. State laws suffer from uncertainty to the maximum reach of criminalization activities; thus, the rules may upset legal principle. Believe in the concise definition of terrorism by the U.S. The U.S being a global leader, is more entitled to define terrorism and provide full support to curb it in other countries (Mukhammadsidiqov, et al. 2020). Towards this effect, the definition has been the priority since 1983 with a formation of a state department commonly used today. The state department defined terrorism as political and deliberate violence against innocent people or noncombatants by undercover agents to influence people. Similarly, the Federal Bureau of the U.S. defines it as violence contrary to people or using force unlawfully. Moreover, considering the definition by U.S. sectors, they are at the forefront for counter-terrorism that the U.S. is applying and its allies (Kundnani, et al. 2018). The purpose of anti-terrorism has a similarity of the adoption by the United Kingdom and Canadian government. Thus, its comparison with other Western governments reveals similarities that are adopted in common. The common objectives by different government create power relationship that is healthy when come to fight for terrorism. Historical Circumstances with significant impact on terrorism definition. Terror attack where an American Airlines was hijacked by men carrying knives with 64 people boarded. Before crashing, the planed pentagon was 25 miles from the state, killing every passenger aboard (Graff, et al., 2019). As a result, it creates a lot of contradiction of developing a broad definition that will manage to cover every sense of inhuman that happens as a result. Meanwhile, a terrorist explosion bomb in the financial district in Trade Center where six people died, and thousands of them fled from the area. Many people were injured, and those who didn't manage to escape on time helped them out. The bomb affected the 410 towers and collapsed, killing several people. For some time in the attacks happening, panic and tension arose after the U.S. Capitol's incorrect reports was a plan to bomb it (Schneider, et al. 2020). The borders were closed, and the evacuation at White House and employing security to every part of the U.S. Due to these attacks, the U.S. initiated the war against terrorism by first assassinating Osama bin Laden using law enforcement. The belief in changing terrorism's meaning in the future. The psychology notion marks terrorism as more of peoples' opinions and theories than science as the researchers admit to the idea (Valsiner, et al. 2017). Several researchers and psychologists have come up with the required data. They are viewing terrorism more in group dynamics, politics, and the processes rather than the individual. Moreover, the universal principle of how people fear death and personal importance may give a concise feature of terrorism and how we react (Raja, et al. 2020). Eventually, that kind of information will aid the complicated quest of preventing terrorism. Things need to occur to change the definition of terrorism. The U.S. government must take immediate steps to collect information on the terrorism plans by the intelligence. Putting in-place the legal avenues to manage to disrupts the activities planned and prosecuting the terrorist (Graff, et al....
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