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The Interconnection of Literature and Language (Essay Sample)

The Interconnection of Literature and Language Analyzing a language and literature therefore show us how literature is a part and sub set of language since the two are interrelated. They also express emotions, ideas and cultural perspectives through language therefore language is not only a medium of communication but also an art. That is why literature can be regarded as an extension of language as the novels, poem, play and essays lets the writers encompass the world and pen down their experiences of the society. Language in literature also undergoes change with time like other things in the society due to change in culture. The content of writings can be purposefully developed to construct meaning, and this is done through Language resources such as; metaphor, symbolism, and irony. For instance, Shakespeare was writing in Early Modern English that shaped the growth of the English language including word and phrase still in use today (Crystal, 2004). Thus, literature shows how language develops in a given culture. This is why, the study of literature enables people comprehend the evolution of language. Additionally, through the arts literature also provides for the analysis of the language used in different settings thus helping the reader to embrace the use of different dialects, idioms, and linguistic used by people in different regions and at different points in time. This expands the definition of what we mean by ‘language’ and ‘language as culture’ in the most fundamental way. Eagleton (2013) opined that literature assists in perceiving ‘how language is used and how it uses the people’, this simple assertion suggests how literature assists in the discovery of social norms and appreciation of the culture. Hence, it is very clear that literature and language complement each other in the way they are practiced in different societies. Literature being the art of language makes language rich in expressiveness and because of language, literature gains insight on real human life. References Crystal, D. (2004). The Stories of English. Penguin Books. Eagleton, T. (2013). How to Read Literature. Yale University Press. source..
The Interconnection of Literature and Language Analyzing a language and literature therefore show us how literature is a part and sub set of language since the two are interrelated. They also express emotions, ideas and cultural perspectives through language therefore language is not only a medium of communication but also an art. That is why literature can be regarded as an extension of language as the novels, poem, play and essays lets the writers encompass the world and pen down their experiences of the society.Language in literature also undergoes change with time like other things in the society due to change in culture. The content of writings can be purposefully developed to construct meaning, and this is done through Language resources such as; metaphor, symbolism, and irony. For instance, Shakespeare was writing in Early Modern English that shaped the growth of the English language including word and phrase still in use today (Crystal, 2004). Thus, literature shows how language develops in a given culture. This is why, the study of literature enables people comprehend the evolution of language.Additionally, through the arts literature also provides for the analysis of the language used in different settings thus helping the reader to embrace the use of different dialects, idioms, and linguistic used by people in different regions and at different points in time. This expands the definition of what we mean by ‘language’ and ‘language as culture’ in the most fundamental way. ...
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