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Delinquency Risk Factors and the Impact on Criminal Justice Policy. (Essay Sample)

1. What are some known risk factors for delinquency? Which ones do you think are most compelling (Do NOT use first person in your answer)? What do you think the implications are from these risk factors for criminal justice policy? Make sure you use 2 additional scholarly sources (ADDR on Bb or AUM library) to support your answer. (Worth 20 Points) source..
Delinquency Risk Factors and the Impact on Criminal Justice Policy. Student Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number: Course Title Instructor Due Date Delinquency Risk Factors and the Impact on Criminal Justice Policy. The events, circumstances, or traits that make someone more likely to engage in criminal or antisocial behavior are referred to as risk factors for delinquency. This study looks into a variety of known risk factors for delinquency, such as peer pressure, substance addiction, family dysfunction, and childhood abuse. This research finds peer influence and drug usage as the most compelling risk factors through a careful analysis of empirical evidence. This study emphasizes the urgent need for focused policies in the criminal justice system, emphasizing prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation to address these important issues and ultimately decrease delinquent behavior by recognizing the significance of these variables. Known Delinquency Risk Factors are as discussed below: Family Environment and Socioeconomic Status: Studies repeatedly demonstrate that dysfunctional family settings, which are characterized by elements like parental conflict, neglect, abuse, and inconsistent discipline, strongly contribute to adolescent delinquent behavior. Children raised in such circumstances are more prone to exhibit antisocial behaviors. There is a link between delinquency and low socioeconomic level (SES), according to studies. Being poor, not having access to a good education, and having little prospects for social advancement can foster criminal behavior. Peer influence and substance abuse: Peer interactions are important for adolescent growth, and being around criminal peers may make you more likely to act in a criminal manner. Social learning, the normalization of abnormal behavior, and peer pressure all contribute to this influence (Labella, & Masten, (2018). Addiction to drugs and alcohol is very closely related to delinquent behavior. Drug and alcohol abuse can lower inhibitions and affect judgment, increasing the likelihood that someone would commit a crime. The qualities of the community and the school: Delinquency can be facilitated by truancy, poor academic performance, and a toxic learning environment. Students who struggle academically or feel alienated from their peers may be more likely to commit delinquent acts. People can be exposed to increased levels of delinquency in high-crime areas with little access to leisure time and positive role models. A culture of delinquency can also be influenced by a lack of social capital and community cohesion. The Most compelling Risks Factors are: Among the aforementioned risk factors, peer pressure and the home environment seem to be the most convincing. Children learn social skills primarily through their families, and dysfunctional family relationships can have dramatic and lasting consequences on a child's development. In addition, peer Influence is a time when influence is more potent because people are more open to the ideas and actions of their peers. Impacts of Criminal Justice Policy are as discussed below: Early intervention, proactive prevention measures, access to education, and employment prospects: The relevance of the family environment and peer pressure calls for the highest attention to be placed on early intervention efforts. By providing support and resources to struggling families and implementing educational initiatives that place an emphasis on positive peer relationships, delinquent behavior can be decreased (Williams, & Cooper, (2019). Addressi...
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