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Negative Effects: Why Discrimination Should Be Harshly Dealt With (Essay Sample)


discrimination has negative effects, discuss why discrimination should be harshly dealt with

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date
Effects of Discrimination
Discrimination generally refers to the act of treating a person or individuals basing on their affiliation, tribe, race or ethnicity. Discrimination is a broader term and can be identified as individual or institutional. Individual discrimination is personal and is based on one’s attitude towards another individual. It can be due to race, tribe, and ethnicity as cited above. Institutional discrimination as the term implies it occurs in organizations or institutions. It develops within the working relationships of people built in institutions. It is an act where the individual in power tends to disregard or deny opportunities to other members in the lower working level. (Pincus 190).
Individual discrimination brings forth health complications. This might include stress over being segregated in the workplace or being denied opportunities in favor of others. It can also result to low self-esteem where someone’s morale and motivation lessens. People who are segregated basing on their race might end up avenging against others and this may lead to chaos and even loss of lives in the society. Institutional discrimination, on the other hand, leads to hatred, conflict, and discord among employees (Pincus 187). It can also result in low morale and lack of self-esteem in the working environment where some individuals are denied opportunities in favor of others. It can also lead to losing job, quitting or poor performance which affects the institution negatively.
Institutional discrimination is founded on the practices and policies in which that institution operates, and not someone specific. It requires a thorough review of those practices together with eradicating those which appear discriminatory. For instance, the white Americans have so much benefited from the slavery and acquisition of the black-American slaves. They have accumulated a lot of wealth over the year through abuse of black people and using them as sources of generating income. Since 1840, the white people accumulated much wealth from the slave trade and this is the reason for their thriving economy (Valdez 2011)
Generally, discrimination is a big stalemate in the society that has ultimately to massive devastati...
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