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Describe The Various Mode Of Medicare In The USA (Essay Sample)
Explain The Various Mode Of Medicare In The Usa And How It Is Distributed Among The Different Classes Of People
Distributive Justice Exercise
Question 1 a
Medicare is a medical program tailor made to serve persons from the age of 65 years or older, persons with permanent liver failure that is in dire need of dialysis also referred to as end stage renal disease and also younger persons with certain disabilities which was an idea of the federal government insurance program. When paying the other half of the charges, payments may differ due to factors such as the amount of care a beneficiary needs
Medicare part A
This part of the program, hospital insurance, only takes care of the inpatient stays in the hospital where things like food, private room, medication that is related to one's inpatient needs, home medical services, skilled nursing facilities and medical tests are taken care of which is also termed as hospital insurance and eligibility is 65 years and above and younger people with disabilities.
Medicare part B
Medicare part B is also referred to as medical insurance, generally covers on an outpatient basis where it takes care of some of the products and services not covered on part A. if the beneficiary is still working, or their spouse is still working and they have some kind of insurance through the employer, then this part in optional to them which usually covers 80% of the cost of the hospital bills and the rest 20% is taken care of by the patient.
Medicare part C
Medicare part C also termed as Medicare advantage is the most preferred medical care coverage by many because of its properties of covering bill in all of Medicare Part A and also Medicare Part B. also, it offers more additional coverage on long term medical conditions such as vision, hearing and dental conditions. Furthermore, it allows private health insurance companies to provide Medicare services to beneficiaries.
Medicare part D
This part of the Medicare id also called the prescription drug benefit because it covers and subsidizes all Medicare beneficiaries’ costs on all prescription drugs in the USA although one might lose covers connected to their employers or other unions. Furthermore, this cover will serve only those registered to parts A and B of the Medicare.
Medicaid for the state of New Jersey covers all persons from children, pregnant women, the blind people, parents, dependent children among others. SCHIP is the States Children’s Health Insurance Program and in New Jersey, it was devised to help uncovered children in families that have lower income and too high to afford Medicaid.
EMTALA is the emergency medical treatment and labour act, which is a law by the federal government that anyone who comes to the emergency section is treated and healed and is much emphasized in New Jersey.
Question 3
Stakeholders of the Medicare programs include the federal government, medical insurance firms, hospitals, issuers and states that offer these services to the citizens.
Question 4
Health policy program
Distributive justice theory used
Stakeholder resource winner
Stakeholder resource looser
Medicare part A
patient, insurance firms, govt.
Medicare part B
Medicare part C
Medicare part D
Work ethic
Patient, pharmaceutical firms
Patients, government
Distributive Justice Exercise
Question 1 a
Medicare is a medical program tailor made to serve persons from the age of 65 years or older, persons with permanent liver failure that is in dire need of dialysis also referred to as end stage renal disease and also younger persons with certain disabilities which was an idea of the federal government insurance program. When paying the other half of the charges, payments may differ due to factors such as the amount of care a beneficiary needs
Medicare part A
This part of the program, hospital insurance, only takes care of the inpatient stays in the hospital where things like food, private room, medication that is related to one's inpatient needs, home medical services, skilled nursing facilities and medical tests are taken care of which is also termed as hospital insurance and eligibility is 65 years and above and younger people with disabilities.
Medicare part B
Medicare part B is also referred to as medical insurance, generally covers on an outpatient basis where it takes care of some of the products and services not covered on part A. if the beneficiary is still working, or their spouse is still working and they have some kind of insurance through the employer, then this part in optional to them which usually covers 80% of the cost of the hospital bills and the rest 20% is taken care of by the patient.
Medicare part C
Medicare part C also termed as Medicare advantage is the most preferred medical care coverage by many because of its properties of covering bill in all of Medicare Part A and also Medicare Part B. also, it offers more additional coverage on long term medical conditions such as vision, hearing and dental conditions. Furthermore, it allows private health insurance companies to provide Medicare services to beneficiaries.
Medicare part D
This part of the Medicare id also called the prescription drug benefit because it covers and subsidizes all Medicare beneficiaries’ costs on all prescription drugs in the USA although one might lose covers connected to their employers or other unions. Furthermore, this cover will serve only those registered to parts A and B of the Medicare.
Medicaid for the state of New Jersey covers all persons from children, pregnant women, the blind people, parents, dependent children among others. SCHIP is the States Children’s Health Insurance Program and in New Jersey, it was devised to help uncovered children in families that have lower income and too high to afford Medicaid.
EMTALA is the emergency medical treatment and labour act, which is a law by the federal government that anyone who comes to the emergency section is treated and healed and is much emphasized in New Jersey.
Question 3
Stakeholders of the Medicare programs include the federal government, medical insurance firms, hospitals, issuers and states that offer these services to the citizens.
Question 4
Health policy program
Distributive justice theory used
Stakeholder resource winner
Stakeholder resource looser
Medicare part A
patient, insurance firms, govt.
Medicare part B
Medicare part C
Medicare part D
Work ethic
Patient, pharmaceutical firms
Patients, government
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