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The Comparison Of "Waiting For A Superman" And "Tuesdays With Moore" (Essay Sample)
task is about the comparison of "waiting for a superman" and "tuesdays with moore" about the sample is how the two documentaries was of important essence in the society
Documentary Comparison
Documentary Comparison of “Waiting for Superman” and “Tuesdays With Morrie.”
The two documentaries have managed to comb through some of the extreme complexities facing the public education system. “Waiting for Superman”, for example, has followed the story of families which faces obstacles whereby they must go through to ensure that their kids undergo robust education systems. The two documentaries which have laid focus on families from different aspects has managed to employ some of the diverse backgrounds which are evident in the society. The features used by the two documentaries have perfectly shown that there are simple implications on the entire society even if it is from very basic ripple effects which in turn magnify to some situations which may be challenging.
He two documentaries have managed to describe some of the perceptions which have been rapidly changing depending on the current conditions. Families have been seen to struggle to ensure that their kids undergo proper education systems. Parents have put in massive efforts to make sure that the children regularly receive a relevant education. Challenges may have been on the rise, but parents have still strived to find a way to tackle them (Swalwell & Apple,2011). Some parents as elicited by the documentaries go through a series of challenges which have rendered them not sure of what they should choose for their children. In most cases, some parents have laid their faith in things like national lotteries where the only faith they have is vested here. Some have shown extreme optimism about the local district school. Despite the fact that the public institutions have a series of challenges basing on the fact that they are supported by the government which is driven by corruption, they still have the hope of reaping real fruits from the bitter educations systems associated with public schools.
Throughout the two documentaries, key influential figures have not been left out of the picture. The individuals have been used to narrate the challenge that children go through in the education system. They have even pointed out the fact that bureaucracy has taken over the educations system. Most of the groups that have been mandated with the responsibility of taking charge of the managerial duties have placed their priorities and self-interests above the interests of the education system. One other fact that has been associated with the running of schools is the teachers’ unions who have frequently fire teachers and even closing schools, all at the expense of children who end up paying for what poor decisions made.
One other aspect that has seemed to stand out in the documentaries is the political aspect. Political agendas have been seen to take charge other than focusing on more basic requirements of the public. Children have not been in a position to garner positions in charter schools (Lynd-Balta, 2006). Most of the children who have completed their studies have not been ...
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