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The Practicality of E-Books and Why They're More Preferable (Essay Sample)
student was asked to discuss a podcast from national public radio and take a stand whether ebooks are more preferable or not.
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DATE \@ "d MMMM y" 24 June 2017
The Practicality of E-Books and Why They’re More Preferable
Nowadays, because of the rapid change of the technology e-books started to replace the ordinary books because of several reasons. First of all, using e-books eliminates the need to carry heavy items. Secondly, it is a great investment because it is not something that I will easily lose and the files can be recovered. And finally, the e-books offer great convenience and accessibility in comparison to regular books. Although they bear some superficial similarities, the differences between the e-books and physical books are that e-books are easy to carry around, are more affordable, and they’re quicker to obtain.
As mentioned, e-books eliminate the need of carrying around several pounds of bound paper, instead what one has is a single lightweight device, that can carry several hundreds to even thousands of books, depending on the memory. E-books are also highly transferrable from one device to another – from laptops, kindle-like devices and even smart mobile phones. With the portability of these devices, one can read anywhere and anytime – while in transport, while in school or other public places. Other than that, these devices offer other services which connect you to the web. Carrying a physical copy of the book or several books does not offer the same flexibility and convenience. One always has to worry about the weight and the volume that these objects have to occupy.
One consequence of the fact that e-books are lightweight are they are easier to be distributed. I can order a copy of an e-book online and a copy arrives within minutes in my preferred device. Meanwhile, a paperback version, would not only cost more in production but would also take several days before it comes at my doorstep. I remember one time that when I had a choice between a hardcover and an e-book, I chose the latter. The compelling reason was it was simply cheaper!
The advantages of e-books do not end with its portability. In smart devices with e-book apps, people have the ability to bookmark more than one page for later perusal. For academic purposes for instance, I can easily return to a page or chapter that needs re-reading and I can quickly refresh myself with the lessons I needed to remember. Also, if one is looking for a keyword or a phrase, in a thousand-page book, one can do a “search” and the application will scour through thousands of words to give you the information you need. Physical books do not give you that automatically. You would have to go through the index and sometimes you would not even find the word you need in there. Because of these reasons, I think e-books are a good investment.
While it cannot be denied that having physical books are still “romantic”, in some sense, i.e. the smell, the way we touch a book makes it ...
Instructor’s Name
DATE \@ "d MMMM y" 24 June 2017
The Practicality of E-Books and Why They’re More Preferable
Nowadays, because of the rapid change of the technology e-books started to replace the ordinary books because of several reasons. First of all, using e-books eliminates the need to carry heavy items. Secondly, it is a great investment because it is not something that I will easily lose and the files can be recovered. And finally, the e-books offer great convenience and accessibility in comparison to regular books. Although they bear some superficial similarities, the differences between the e-books and physical books are that e-books are easy to carry around, are more affordable, and they’re quicker to obtain.
As mentioned, e-books eliminate the need of carrying around several pounds of bound paper, instead what one has is a single lightweight device, that can carry several hundreds to even thousands of books, depending on the memory. E-books are also highly transferrable from one device to another – from laptops, kindle-like devices and even smart mobile phones. With the portability of these devices, one can read anywhere and anytime – while in transport, while in school or other public places. Other than that, these devices offer other services which connect you to the web. Carrying a physical copy of the book or several books does not offer the same flexibility and convenience. One always has to worry about the weight and the volume that these objects have to occupy.
One consequence of the fact that e-books are lightweight are they are easier to be distributed. I can order a copy of an e-book online and a copy arrives within minutes in my preferred device. Meanwhile, a paperback version, would not only cost more in production but would also take several days before it comes at my doorstep. I remember one time that when I had a choice between a hardcover and an e-book, I chose the latter. The compelling reason was it was simply cheaper!
The advantages of e-books do not end with its portability. In smart devices with e-book apps, people have the ability to bookmark more than one page for later perusal. For academic purposes for instance, I can easily return to a page or chapter that needs re-reading and I can quickly refresh myself with the lessons I needed to remember. Also, if one is looking for a keyword or a phrase, in a thousand-page book, one can do a “search” and the application will scour through thousands of words to give you the information you need. Physical books do not give you that automatically. You would have to go through the index and sometimes you would not even find the word you need in there. Because of these reasons, I think e-books are a good investment.
While it cannot be denied that having physical books are still “romantic”, in some sense, i.e. the smell, the way we touch a book makes it ...
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