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Review Embedded Librarianship, Main Conclusions of the Research (Essay Sample)
The task was bout Article Review
Article Review: Embedded Librarianship
Article Review: Embedded Librarianship
This paper seeks to examine the article critically: In bed with the library: A critical exploration of embedded librarianship at the City University of New York, authored by Almeida and Pollack. The report highlights scalability and efficiency of truly embedded librarianship programs in the City College of New York, (CUNY) library structure and gives results and conclusion of a study conducted in the year 2015. Further, the article scrutinizes the effect of the embedded practice for libraries and librarians (Almeida & Pollack, 2017).
The Main Conclusions of the Research
The main conclusions of the study are that a subset of librarians is involved in ad hoc embedment programs which are mainly used as teaching practices within face to face classroom setting. The study concluded the most CUNY librarians interviewed maintained that embedment initiatives should be offered by CUNY librarians (Almeida & Pollack, 2017). However, it was established that there are distinct challenges in formalizing and enhancing librarianship services even as library administrators have suggested for increased library engagement within educational, innovative platforms, design activities as well as classroom applications. Moreover, it was established that lack of commitment to embedded librarianship and articulating services by librarians had hindered the progress of achieving the CUNY embedded librarianship’s goals. Other challenges include inadequate of library resources. The implication is that both the departmental and institutional administrators have not sufficiently allocated funds that can be used to purchase library resources. Additionally, librarians have expressed their concerns about workload hence they experience difficulty in managing faculty and library. Overall, librarians have cited collaborative challenges encountered in the integration of pedagogy and technology.
What Contributions will these Results Possibly Make to Professional Practices?
The integration of technology in CUNY library will enable professionals and students will use embedded librarianship to learn and conduct their research adequately (Almeida & Pollack, 2017). The implication is that pedagogical and technological integration helps in enhancing the quality of education. Moreover, librarians will be able to define their roles and focus on achieving their professional's objectives. Also, teachers will be able to deliver content as required in real time since technology is embedded within instructional delivery.
What Contributions Might these Results Make To Theoretical Issues In LIS?
These results make several contributions about theo...
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