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The Benefits Of Integrated Technology In English Language Learning (Essay Sample)


what are the benefits of INTEGRATED technology in english language learning


ELL Students
Marzano, Pickering and Pollock (2005) did a research that sought to identify the best practices in teaching and especially with regard to instruction. According to them, there are some practices that have been shown by evidence-based research to work very well in increasing the effectiveness of instruction in class. These include the following;
Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
Marzano, Pickering and Pollock (2005) identified that it is necessary for teachers to encourage the students to understand the role of personal effort in learning. This encourages the student to apply his or her personal effort in understanding the material. The effort must be recognized and if possible rewarded in order to keep the students encouraged to apply personal effort in learning. This is important in teachings ELL student’s because their personal effort makes them learn on their own (Vernille, 2008).
Using examples during instruction
The researchers identified that using examples is one of the best ways to increase the possibility of the students understanding the materials. According to them, giving examples that are practical helps the student to understand the material better and easier. These findings are also practical with regard to teaching ELL students. ELL students are likely to have some difficulties in understanding educational materials because they have a language barrier that is not present with those students who speak English as a fist language. As a result, using examples when teaching these students will help them to overcome the language barrier and it is necessary for teachers to include this is their teaching practice.
The researchers also identified that involving the student in the class work is also a major way to improve the quality and effectiveness of the instruction. Involving the students in the class work is actually considered by Marzano, Pickering and Pollock (2005) as one of the best ways to improve teaching and to make sure that the student is able to benefit the most from the class work. Teachers can achieve this by asking the students to do some tasks such as reading. This is more applicable for ELL students who must be given as many chances to practice what they have learnt especially in language lessons. According to the researchers, the students can benefit a lot if the teacher asks them redefine the terms they have learnt in the class using their own words.
Asking questions
The researchers also indicate that asking questions during the process of learning is a very important thing and must be addressed in order to make sure that every student is well catered for. This technique of teaching can be very useful when applied in the right way. In the context of ELL students, asking questions is useful in stimulating their learning interest which then increases their self efficiency (Hattie & Anderman, 2013). Asking the students questions during class is also crucial because it is a way to evaluate the students in terms of what they have assimilated. At the same time, a teacher can ask the students questions as a way to encourage the students to think on their won, thus making the learning experience more personal to the students (Vernille, 2008). This is very useful to any students and also to ESL students in particular in order to guarantee that they comprehend the material.
Using homework
Homework is also as a way to stimulate learning and to increase the students’ efficacy in learning, however, as Marzano, Pickering and Pollock (2005) say, the use of homework and assignments is a way to improve learning is effective if used the right way. Marzano, Pickering and Pollock (2005) identified that homework makes it possible for the students to increase their leaning and to make sure that they lean on their own. This is very important to ELL students because by giving them homework, it means that they will be able to get help from outside the school, to at on their own. Homework and assignment...
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