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Marketin Plan Analysis: Information From The Brand Manager (Essay Sample)
the task was about coming up with a marketing plan and identifying the research problem that had been conducted initially.
Marketing Plan Analysis
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Marketing Plan Analysis
Pepsi boomed into Super Bowl LII by emphasizing that it is meant for every age group. The juice that children swill today is similar to the one their dads enjoyed as they were employed and the one that Grandfather gulped on his first date with Grandmother. The liquid refreshment might not have landed on the moon, but Pepsi asserts that the drink is the linking thread amongst some greats like Michael Jackson. Cindy Crawford, alongside her model son, is back to the extract to show how the commercial can be improved. (, 2018)
Information from the brand manager
A brand manager observes market tendencies and administers marketing and promotion undertakings to guarantee the delivery of the intended message for the product or service. (Creative pool, 2015)
Identity is significant for any item for consumption in the current economic marketplace. Brand managers are concerned with generating a long-lasting brand amongst customers and increasing product sales and market share. Some facts to retrieve from the brand manager would be based on the following questions.
Was the commercial offensive to some people? Did the advertisement remind consumers of the reputation for which the company is known? Was there an instant feeling of recognition about the brand? Was the Advert unique and up to standards? Whether there a program in the advert that needed an evaluation? Is the advertisement of value to the company at large and what would happen if the issue was not addressed?
Research problem
A research problem is a convinced expression about an area of alarm, a situation to be amended upon, and an exertion to be eradicated. It can also be defined as a discrepancy between what is there and what ought to be. (Smith, 2012)
The advertisement may not have identified the needs of the consumers. A thorough research on what consumers’ desire ought to have been conducted. The research conducted was shallow in the sense that there was no instant recognition of the brand. The commercial did not meet the intended standards in the competitive market. Since the advert was not good, time and money spend on identifying the research needs was limited.
Other research problems include lack of cooperation among the team. The research also failed to build relationships with consumers hence the complaint from the CEO. In the long run, the company will end up paying lots of money for advertisements and promotions if these problems are not solved.
Core elements of the situation that must be addressed
The company must be willing to increase the amount of money in the research process. To identify the needs of the consumers a lot of money is required in obtaining the relevant information. Primary sources of information are needed.
They include the use of questionnaires, historical and authorized official papers eyewitness accounts, effects of experimentations, statistical facts, sections of innovative letters, audio and video footages, communications, and art entities. More time to conduct the research should also be allocated.
To identify the needs of the consumers, the research ought to monitor the customers’ activities by building long-lasting relations. A thorough review of customers’ information ought to be analyzed as well understanding the communication passage of the consumer.
A team of dedicated personnel who are committed, innovative hardworking and passionate about their work can be of great importance.
Their work will be to ensure that they assist in generating new ideas as well as identify and report any hitches or problems they encounter.
Current trends in the market ought to be observed. All age brackets must be comfortable with the advertisement.
Research plan
Advertising is such a key element towards the growth and recognition of a brand or company. A company may increase its level of sales depending on how it advertises its brand. Advertising aids to keep the customers up-to-date about new products or services that are accessible in the market. It also aids in spreading attentiveness about products that are of use to end users and prospectiv...
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