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When You Are Unhappy What Do You Do That Usually Makes You Feel Better (Essay Sample)
When you are unhappy, what do you do that usually makes you feel better?
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14 February 2018
When you are unhappy, what do you do that usually makes you feel better?
Happiness is essential in our lives. Being happy helps us to avoid negative emotions which can result in depression. There are many things which people do when they are unhappy so that they can feel better. Personally, I do encourage myself to accept the negative feelings. This enables me to understand that there are good and bad feelings which people experience in their lives. Accepting the negative feelings is my best approach to ensuring that I feel better when I am unhappy.
Not only do I accept the negative feelings and move on, but I also engage in enjoyable activities such as watching funny movies, as well as listening to my favorite music so that I can change my mood. Engaging in enjoyable activities enables me to forget the negative emotions. In addition, this helps me to avoid stress which can have a negative impact on my health.
Apart from engaging in enjoyable activities, I also try to connect with my friends and family. Establishing a stronger relationship with my family is important because it helps me to share my feelings with them. Moreover, ex...
14 February 2018
When you are unhappy, what do you do that usually makes you feel better?
Happiness is essential in our lives. Being happy helps us to avoid negative emotions which can result in depression. There are many things which people do when they are unhappy so that they can feel better. Personally, I do encourage myself to accept the negative feelings. This enables me to understand that there are good and bad feelings which people experience in their lives. Accepting the negative feelings is my best approach to ensuring that I feel better when I am unhappy.
Not only do I accept the negative feelings and move on, but I also engage in enjoyable activities such as watching funny movies, as well as listening to my favorite music so that I can change my mood. Engaging in enjoyable activities enables me to forget the negative emotions. In addition, this helps me to avoid stress which can have a negative impact on my health.
Apart from engaging in enjoyable activities, I also try to connect with my friends and family. Establishing a stronger relationship with my family is important because it helps me to share my feelings with them. Moreover, ex...
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