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Ethical Issues in Environmental Conservation and Management and Sustainable Development (Essay Sample)

Conservation of the environment and sustainable development are not scientific or economic issues in isolation from ethical considerations. They operate on principles governing the conduct of human relations with nature and as determined both by obligations to stewardship over future generations. This is where conservation of the environment meets sustainable development and its ethical implications are expected to be investigated. source..
Ethical Issues in Environmental Conservation and Management and Sustainable Development Student Name University Course Professor Name Date Ethical Issues in Environmental Conservation and Management and Sustainable Development Conservation of the environment and sustainable development are not scientific or economic issues in isolation from ethical considerations. They operate on principles governing the conduct of human relations with nature and as determined both by obligations to stewardship over future generations. This is where conservation of the environment meets sustainable development and its ethical implications are expected to be investigated. The principle of intergenerational justice is a key ethical consideration; this holds that the living today should not do anything that would jeopardize the ability of future generations to fulfill their needs (Brittain, Ibbett, de Lange, Dorward, Hoyte, Marino, & Lewis, 2020). It is this principle that contests the pursuit of economic benefits and efficiency in a short period over environmental health good for the long term. Issues of equity and justice are rightly front-and-center to any green new deal, as the most vulnerable among us (often in communities already facing immense environmental injustice) suffer first when it comes to both climate change impacts alone. This necessitates the use of ethical frameworks that give primacy to social justice (Ruggerio, 2021), by revealing how certain environmental policies have disparate impacts on marginal populations. Integrating ethical elements into Environmental conservation at the idea of sustainable development is involved for this more comprehensive view which puts environmental integrity, economic viability, and social equity on the same level. A multifaceted view on these issues not only helps in the development of actual policies, but also fosters a feeling of responsibility within people and communities (Uralovich, Toshmamatovich, Kubayevich, Sapaev, Saylaubaevna, Beknazarova, & Khurramov, 2023). In the end, going deeper into ethical issues concerning these topics adds value and richness to discussions on environmental conservation (and practices in line) empowering a sustainable life for everyone. Also, profound reflection upon these aspects of ethics supports our ability to operate ethically and implement leg...
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