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Number Of Poems And Comparing Them Omn The Basis Of The Theme Of Time (Essay Sample)
Armand Garnet Ruffo in his work of “Opening In The Sky” came up with a fascinating poem attracting many readers and scholars. “Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day” sonnet is a romantic poem authored by William Shakespeare. Poems can, however, be explicated by examining their individual pieces and then explaining how those pieces work together to achieve the whole gist and upshot (Ellis, Gere & Lamberton, 2003). Poems can also be compared by explaining the similarities in their pieces and the elements that make them. This essay will purpose to explicate and compare the poems “Opening In The Sky” and “Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day.”
“When The World Disappears” narrates about an instance when the persona was driving along a road in a place that is always covered with ice which greatly reduced the visibility. The speaker hopes not to bump on a car and that no driver will ram on his car (Sorstad, 2000).
“When The World Disappears” is an emotional poem since the persona is strongly anticipating that the other drivers will be careful enough not to bump on him. He is also fearful that the unexpected might happen. The poem is, however, narrated through a fictional persona addressing himself through his thoughts regarding the situation at hand (Sorstad, 2000). The speaker can be trusted in the sense that he seems to pity himself due to the unexpected accident that might occur due to the extremely reduced visibility on the road. The persona is worried and fears the outcomes of the phenomena which presents a fearful tone. The poem can be read aloud with a fearful tone since the persona fears the outcomes of the subject matter. The speaker uses phrases such as “clinging to little more than blind hope”, “we are all of us blind pilgrims” and “the margins of their own misery” (Sorstad, 2000) to show how he fears the subject matter
Due to cause and effect, the poem has free form arrangement and the ideas are chronologically arranged (Sorstad, 2000). The poem has 29 complex lines with the order of the nouns being the usual noun verb format. The poem has both enjambment and end-stopped line punctuation. There are a few punctuations in between the sentences to separate clauses that may be having a different meaning or even those that may need to be stressed. The title “When the World Disappears” is metaphorical and refers to the extremely reduced visibility that was caused by the blizzards (Sorstad, 2000). It is relevant in that it shows the extent to which the blizzards made the whole environment white barricading the visibility of the other items within that environment.
The poem uses colloquial language that brings about the gloomy and cynical attitude toward the subject matter. The persona refers to himself and the other drivers as “blind pilgrims” (Sorstad, 2000) which is a form of allusion. He then refers to his hand as iron vises which is directly metaphorical and personifies hope when he refers to hope as blind. The rhyme scheme of the poem is irregular. The rhythm and the alliterations help in the consolidation of the pictures and the images of the poem (Collins, 2001).
William Shakespeare came up with what has been known to be an extraordinary love poem titled “Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day?” which addresses the love he has towards his loved one (Shakespeare, 1963). William assures his lover that despite the fact that they will pass away, the poem he has written will remain to glorify the beauty that he adores. He states that sometimes, summers are dull but the beauty of his lover will never change or even fade away.
In the poem, the author is emotional since he is filled with love and admiration for his lover. The poet is directly addressing the reader of the poem. Through the deep emotions expressed in the poem, it can be easy to trust the speaker. The speaker is pessimistic about the subject matter and makes use of a romantic tone (Shakespeare, 1963).
The poem is a sonnet with 14 lines of medium length (Shakespeare, 1963). The poem chose this form due to its short length. The poem’s development is by free association. It has 14 complex sentences with the verbs being in front of the noun to provide a rhythmic effect. It has both enjambment and end-stopped form of punctuation to separate clauses whose meaning needs to be stressed individually without affecting the next clause. The tile is metaphorical since the persona compares his love to a summer day to signify the enormous admiration and love that he feels towards his loved one (Shakespeare, 1963).
The poem employs colloquial language characterized by words that bring about a romantic mood (Abrams & Harpham, 2011). It employs allusion when the persona’s loved one is compared to a summer day. The poem makes use of metaphors by comparing a person to a summer day. A lot of imagery is also used in the poem. For example, the persona makes us imagine how the “rough winds do shake the darling buds of May” which helps in intensifying the effects of the poem by creating a more romantic atmosphere. The rhyme scheme is irregularly creating a musical effect. The rhythmic effect of the poem enhances the mood, the attitude and the romantic tone towards the subject matter.
The two poems can be compar...
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