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fictional (Essay Sample)

Her insatiable curiosity and love of information are similar to my desire to learn about and comprehend the world better. Like Hermione, education is a powerful instrument that may help you cross many life's bridges since truly knowledge is power (Wagner,2023). Secondly, Hermione's devotion to Harry and Ron reflects my own and their allegiance to her. I am devoted to the people in my life, and I prioritize being there for them whenever they require assistance—the people in my life (Wara & de Bruin, 2023). Finally, Hermione's assurance and diligence, notwithstanding affliction, are characteristics I appreciate. She faces various difficulties all through the series yet never surrenders. I have confidence in dealing with deterrents directly and enduring through difficulty. To sum up, Hermione has reliably depicted sufficient obligation throughout her lifetime (Wagner,2023). Having lived a life full of accountability, devolution, and knowledge, she reminds me that anyone can overcome obstacles in life and make the world a better place. Moreover, anyone can positively impact the world by carrying values of hard work, intelligence, loyalty, and commitment to justice. source..
Famous fictional character: Hermione Granger Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Instructor Date Hermione Granger One fictitious person I relate with most is Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. Hermione has outstanding scholarly sharpness, resolute responsibility, and significant compassion as a young professional of wizardry, focusing on the quest for shrewdness, loyalty, and fair treatment (Wara & de Bruin, 2023). There are numerous justifications for why I firmly relate to Hermione's personality. Her insatiable curiosity and love of information are similar to my desire to learn about and comprehend the world better. Like Hermione, education is a powerful instrument that may help you cross many life's bridges since truly knowledge is power (Wagner,2023). Secondly, Hermione's devotion to Harry and Ron reflects my own and their allegiance to her. I am devoted to the people in my life, and I prioritize being there for them whenever they require assistance—the people in my life (Wara & de Bruin, 2023). Finally, Hermione's assurance and diligence, notwithstanding affliction, are characteristics I appreciate. She faces various difficulties all through the series yet never surrenders. I have confidence in dealing with deterrents directly and enduring through difficulty. To sum up, Hermione has reliably depicted sufficient obligation throughout he...
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