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Five Examples of Cosmetic Dentistry (Essay Sample)


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Cosmetic Dentistry
The brighter your teeth are the brighter your smile is. We all want to have a perfect set of white teeth. The older you grow the more you find out that you need a dentist more than you thought. Therefore you need to look for a good orthodontist cosmetic. You might just have your perfect dental procedure done by DENTIST SOUTH MELBOURNE. A certified and qualified dentist with superb expertise is what you need.
The main purpose of a cosmetic dentistry is to ensure that your appearance is improved. The focus may not be on how your teeth function, but on the aesthetics on shape, color, size, alignment and basically the overall appearance of your smile.
There are common procedures that are used in cosmetic dentistry. They are fairly simple while the most complex ones require specialized treatment. Most of these procedures are elective other than essential.
Below are five examples of cosmetic dentistry
Composite bonding
Composite bonding means to fix damaged, decayed or discolored teeth. The material that is used to repair these looks like the tooth enamel. Composite is applied onto the tooth surface after your dentist has drilled out the decayed one. The dentist sculpts it into the perfect shape, then cures it with a light of high intensity. The procedure is also termed bonding.
This covers the damaged tooth and makes it look like a healthy new tooth. Bonding is the least expensive cosmetic dentistry. It is affordable to patients with cracked, decayed, chipped or teeth with worn out edges.
Teeth whitening
It is among the most basic procedures. Bleaching or whitening can be done at home or in your dentist’s office. Whitening should be done after tartar, plaque and other debris have been cleaned off the tooth surface. Sometimes bleaching is done to make teeth look whiter than before. Or to restore them to their natural appearance.
Overtime teeth become discolored and worn out from personal habits like smoking, foods that you eat, drinks and sometimes by medication. Whitening therefore coats teeth.
Inlays and on lays
Inlays and on lays are made in a dental laboratory. They are made from composite resin material and fixed to the tooth with adhesive dental cement. They provide support that strengthens the teeth, restores the shape of the tooth, avoid further decay and puts the tooth back in position.
They are also known as indirect fillings. They are often used when teeth have mild to moderate decay or tooth filling cannot be sustained by lack of enough tooth structure. This is possible when the tooth has no cusps. The inlay is put directly onto the tooth surface that is damaged. However, when the cusp or a great

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