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Weed in Canada: Its Accessibility and Legalization (Essay Sample)


the Task is about weed in Canada 

Press Release
Blue Plus Yellow Announces a Name Change to Online Dispensary Canada Following Upgrades within the Firm
Blue plus Yellow has over the years helped Canadia citizens acquire the best marijuana in the market and at fair prices. The name change to OnlineDispensaryCanada does not affect the service delivery in any way. The company prides itself in operating within the set regulations by the government and availing the best strains of marijuana available in the country. This online shop allows someone who is an internet literate to be able to place an order of their favorite marijuana depending on their flavor of choice. Delivery is done far and wide within Canada –whether someone stays in the rural in town or in the urban setup.
It might surprise you that weed is legal in Canada but to the people of the age 19 and above. It can be accessed locally or may be shipped from a distance away to the location of placement of order. The only hindrance is probably the insufficiency in legal sellers. Some of the other challenges regarding access include;
Accessibility and products that are on offer
Weed in Canada is only legal to 

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