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Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, A Link To Human Life (Essay Sample)
The essay gives the account of what is depicted in the book with a link to human life.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Rowling’s appeal dwells in her capability to develop the world whereby children are depicted as heroes and evil falls apart at a little touch of love. J.K. Rowling deals with the universal longings and primal fears of young people and presents a mechanism for youngsters to experience morality, courage, identity, loyalty, and evil’s inducement in a world that disregards their size. Rowling’s piece of creative writing indeed acknowledges children’s real identity and ability to succeed. Harry a major character in the novel walks through a heroic journey showcasing his true identity as a young person.
Despite restricting life to just the physical realm entangled with many struggles and disappointments, Harry Potter’s narrative informs of the world where Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) contain power accorded to him not just because of his custom but also by the sacrificial death of his mother. This happened out of the motherly love for her son thus being a Christ-figure in the life of Harry Potter. The evil Voldemort slays his father in a brutal rampage, but the mother of Harry Potter sacrifices her precious life for the sake of saving her baby. The sacrificial love given to Harry by the mother helps him not to be killed by Voldemort. The power of the sacrificial love is seen to be stronger than that of the evil Voldemort (Rowling & GrandPré, 2013).
After the death of his mother, Harry is forced to stay in the cupboard situated under the staircase of the home of his uncaring aunt and uncle. A maltreated and misunderstood orphan; Harry does not recognize his actual abilities or lineage. However, on his eleventh birthday, Harry is recovered from their home and moved to the world of his parents. This world discloses to him his actual value and identity and starts to educate himself in the fight of distinguishing good and evil. At Hogwarts School, Harry Potter makes friends with Ron and Hermione. Hermione is a determined, intelligent bossy girl who is frequently condemned for her academic strength. Ron, on the other hand, is insecure about the poverty he faces despite the fact that his brothers were successful. The primal subject matter of the novel is the spiritual awareness that human life is a sacred struggle. The being of a person is more great and powerful than the physical circumstances. Harry finds out that the fight with evil is both an inner and outward experience as he comes to terms with his reflected desires and snaring fears.
Some individuals have fought with Rowling’s preference to position Harry a wizard and put him within Hogwarts School associated with witch...
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