Poetry Analysis: America by Claude McKay (1890-1948) (Essay Sample)
America by Claude McKay (1890-1948)
“Next to of course god America I” by E. E. Cummings (1894-1962)
Poetry Analysis
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America by Claude McKay (1890-1948)
“Next to of course god America I” by E. E. Cummings (1894-1962)
Poetry is a form of art that has been in use over centuries to communicate and bring into light the various social issues in the society. Poetry has been used to address social injustices, express love, as well as warn people against certain forms of behaviors that could lead them to consequences. The poems “America” authored by Claude McKay and “Next of course god America I” written by E. E. Cummings were artistically effective work by the two authors that aimed at addressing the different social issues in the United States.
Through interpretation, the two though are closely related in their general message against oppression, they address different social injustices. The “America” by Claude McKay addresses the issue of injustices muted against the minorities especially the black community in the United States during his time. The poem explains what is expected of the American society and what it is currently offering in terms of social justice(Hunter, 2014). The author uses the poem to express his feelings as a Jamaican immigrant towards America. As he and other black Americans strive to live to the American dream, they are faced with the obstacle of widespread racism in the American society.
The expected American society is that of opportunity and beautiful land but what McKay experiences is America that is oppressive to the African-Americans. The result being a flawed system that crushes the dreams and hopes of the black community in America. The poem attempts to create awareness of the extreme racism directed against black Americans that has led them to live a life of despair despite the fact that America was considered a land of equality and justice(Setiawan and Pujiati,). The poem symbolically talks of the rebellion that the American founding fathers fought against the British colonialists and their rejection of injustice against African-American slaves. It is against the backdrop of these American ideals that McKay seeks for justice for the African-Americans in the then Independent America.
The poem “Next to of course god America I” by E. E. Cummings on the other hand addresses the social issue of war and patriotism. Cummings seeks to address the plight of the soldiers and citizens who are blindly patriotic to their country(Dylgjeri, 2016). He castigates the politicians who insight the citizens and soldiers into blind patriotism. According to this poem, patriotism only serves the interests of the politicians but not the interests of the people who die fighting for the country during wars. The poet uses satire to express how politicians are creating the near fanatical patriotism that the political class creates in soldiers and citizens for their own selfish gains. The poem seeks to address the issue of exploitation in the pretext of patriotism that politicians are exploiting for political mileages.
The speaker of in the poem is considered as an American congressman who is seeking to arouse the blind patriotic feeling so that to get citizens to support and go to war zones. The then American President, Theodore Roosevelt used one of the words that is also found in the poem “jingo” to inspire extreme American nationalism, a necessity to win people’s support before going to war(Whelpton). The poem ridicule the fact that leaders only want citizens to go to war yet they themselves never go to one. The poem therefore seeks to fight against the manipulation of the citizens and soldiers into bind patriotism in the US by politicians who send them to die in war fronts.
The two poems were written in the 1920s some years after world war one. In the period after the World War One when the two poems were written, there was resurgence of extreme nationalism in America. This however came with the problem of increased intolerance towards immigrants and ethnic diversity in the United States. The Russian revolution specifically catalyzed the rejection of immigrants into the US for fear of instigating similar revolts in the American system. The Economy of the United States was at boom during this period. The Automobile industry such as the manufactures of Ford experienced the financial prosperity. Car ownership came to symbolize economic independence and status in the American society. Afterwards, the great depression beginning in 1929 came into effect.
In the poem “America”, the author addresses the American society with anger as to why it has to make life difficult for the African-Americans. The racism and ethnic intolerance that was exhibited in the 1920s had deprive the blacks and other immigrants their rights in the American society. They were treated as second-rate citizens in their own country(United and America). In the poem ““Next to of course god America I” feels that the American political class needs to change on war rhetoric and support of extreme national
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