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Health Organization Literature & Language Essay Paper (Essay Sample)


Discuss united health care group and how they are helping to advance provision of medical services


Healthcare and Nursing
Health Organization
Health Organization
United HealthCare group is a US based company that handles medical care for millions of patients. The company works towards equipping clients with information so as to make the best choices concerning health care and ensure the most affordable medical services are accessible to people across society. United Healthcare is helping to advance the provision of medical services through modernizing the health care system, through using advanced technology, and innovative strategies to maximize the resources at their disposal.
Despite the economic challenges that many people face, especially in accessing proper health care services, UnitedHealth Group mission is to help individual’s live healthier lives through appropriate medical care. They have withstood the test of time, by being innovative and efficiently managing operating costs to ensure empowerment of consumers at the end of their experience. The debate on the future health care can be assessed through the innovative management strategies used by the company, in ensuring that future challenges are managed effectively for the well-being of the entire nation (Buchbinder and Shanks, 2012).

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