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HISTORY. Is there a realistic way to reunite the two Koreas? (Essay Sample)




Is there a realistic way to reunite the two Koreas?
To understand if there is a realistic way to re-unite the two Koreas, it’s better to understand the cause and history of the disunity and to know who will benefit rom the reunification. The disunity that existed between the North Korea and South Korea stems back during the time of World War One and escalated to world War Two and the cold war that existed between Japan and China as a result of their competing interests which necessitated the division.
The question as to whether there is realistic way to re-unite the two Korea is solely based on resolution of the competing interests among the countries involved. In 1926 Japanese had already undermined Koreas unique cultural identity and wanted to enforce their names, but when the Japanese empire was dismantled at the end of World War Two Korea fell victim to the cold war. It was divided into two spheres of influences along the 38th parallel.
These influences were necessitated by the entry of the United Nations and other super power countries like USA and British that deployed their soldiers. Eventually, the South Koreas economy has grown than the North Korea based on American influences, while the North Korea became tied to the China with their own influences.

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