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Imagine yourself a president what will yo do first? My Presidential Manifesto (Essay Sample)


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My Presidential Manifesto
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My Presidential Manifesto
The presidency is the highest political office in my country, and everyone desires to ascend to it. It requires rigorous campaigns and determination to become a president (Mendelberg, 2017). However, most of the previous presidents have failed to fulfill their promises to the electorate and uphold the interest of the citizens. When elected as a president, within my first three months in office, I will put measures to improve health, security, education, energy production, and food production.
Food supply is an essential aspect of the current generation. It is unfortunate that my predecessors put little efforts to make sure that food production in the country meets the local demand. The cost of the essential food commodities in the country is high due to its scarcity. My country imports some foodstuff from other nations. Importation of food in the current technological era is a big shame, and I will initiate modern farming methods that will increase production. I will start by correcting the poor policies put in place to address farming in the country once in power.

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