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Implications of 9/11 Incident to Muslims in Canada (Essay Sample)


tHIS Sample is briengs out the concept and notion that people have had about the muslim people. Most people tend to believe that muslim community i s asscociated with terrorism AND TERROR ATTACKS. as such muslims have been victimized of terrorists acts where they are not actually invold.


Post-9/11 Islamophobia in Canada.
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Post-9/11 Islamophobia in Canada.
Even though Muslim people have lived in Canada for years, they grew even more noticeable in the public spotlight following the terror incidents of September 11, 2001. As a consequence of Muslims' pre-existing stereotypes as "unique" from the population of Canadian culture, as well as derogatory perceptions of their cultures with violent acts and terrorism, Muslims have faced intensified scrutiny, derogatory perceptions, and prejudice during the last century. The increase of Islamophobia in Canada following the September 11 incidents is a fact in which the Canadian population, state, and press bear responsibility, allowing the Islamic population in the West, specifically in Canada, to be marginalized and radicalized.
Canada, like Australia, is unique among Western nations in that refugees make up a much more significant percentage of the inhabitants. In 2001, 20% of Canadians were born outside of the country, far higher than the U. S and many European countries. More than 2/3 of Canada's non-Muslim ethnic group were given birth outside the state in 2001. According to Analytics Canada's projections, this percentage may stay relatively the same as in 2017.That being said, during 2001 and 2017, the count of non-Caucasian people born in Canada would nearly double (ibid). With the unprecedented 9/11 terror attack by the Muslim community, distrust and a derogatory view and as result, all Islam people have been called bigots by the general public. Since the September 11 incident, the Muslim community in Canada has been subjected to a revolt and intensified oversight (Biles and Ibrahim, 2002). The terrorist attacks of 9/11, the year 2001, had far-reaching implications for most Muslim people in Canada. Because of their ethnicity, race, and faith, lengthy enlightenment, participating people and citizens were treated as possible enemies and terrorists the very next day. ''Through public discourse and policy-making, ideologies of nationality, patriotism, and national security remain inextricably 

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