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Philosophical View of Racial Injustices (Essay Sample)




Philosophical View of Racial Injustices.
Author’s Note
Philosophical View of Racial Injustices.
Racial injustice or rather racial inequality is the phenomenon by which assumed characteristics of external distinction, such as the color of the skin or eye color, are now used to distinguish categories of individuals, thus grouping them as "races"; discrimination is when racial inequality includes the authoritarian and generally influential classification of ethnic categories. The majority of people believe that racial injustice occurs when white people show overt, clear animosity against people from a marginalized racial community. Racism, on the other hand, can take several forms. The understanding of racial inequality will be covered in this essay discourse on the philosophical perception of racial injustice as a social evil, which will make use of researched contemporary and ancient historical papers.
The review of the connection involving prejudice, ethnic injustice, and the racial disparity is known as racial injustice sociology. Modern sociology views racism as a collection of specific and community frameworks and procedures that are involved in the replication of racial disparity in a variety of ways. While some sociologists object to this contemporary extension, the majority accept that a multifaceted conceptualization of discrimination is both culturally and dispassionately essential in determining the prevalence of racial injustice in a supposedly "post-racial" culture. Racial prejudice is, at its heart, "a philosophy of racial supremacy" (Wilson, 1999: p. 14), wherein one or more ethnic groups perceived physiological or social hegemony is being used to warrant or promote the unequal consideration or societal decision-maker(s) of all other ethnic communities.
The evolving essence of racial issues as developed by human contexts and cultural movements since World War Two demarcates at least two different stages in the philosophy of racial segregation. From the late 19th to the 20th centuries, racism was generally viewed as a collection of explicit personality traits; from the 20th century to date, racial prejudice is viewed as a set of intoxicated stereotypes and structures that are crafted, maintained, and implemented at both high and low levels. Whereas the first stage concentrated on the immediate connection involving racism and racial disparity, the second stage explores the more complex interactions across these terms, including how historic, implicit, structural, and structural manifestations of discrimination work with other cultural structures to maintain racial injustice (Van den Berghe, 2001).
Since the emphasis of this essay is on racial inequality from a philosophical perspective, it also briefly addresses one main philosophical theory on racial discrimination. This theory, introduced by one racial disparity theorist, can help us in better understanding racial injustices as a societal evil. The racial injustices will be discussed further using The Veil of Ignorance contract theory. "The word "contracts" is a figurative metaphor for how whites constructed a white Western paradigm for how the rest of humanity would live, as well as manipulating indigenous peoples' wealth for their gain (Mills 1997, 24). The “Ideology of Exploration” (Mills 1997, 24) is the phenomenological hegemony representing European - American adventurers and their entitlement to Native American territory and resources gained by their exploration of the territory and resources rather than through goodness (Mills 1997, 24).
This segment of insight has been included because of the obvious theory of a racial contract that categorizes white people and non-whites. The "Racial Contract," which embraces white supremacy across all non-whites in cultural, social, and economic facets of life, is symbolized by the experience of experience in the United States. We can infer that these policymakers are retaining the mask of ignorance but that this mask has been preserved by prejudice, as Mills' theoretical and contextual documentation of the Ethnic Agreement as well as how this has become a concept of cultural, political, and economic doom shows.
Prof. Rachel Welch's "White Discourse" hypothesis is another example of the Ethnic Agreement theory. Quick forwarding two centuries to the 2020s in America today, and the Black Lives Matter ("I Can’t Breath") movement has arisen as a contemporary civil reform movement targeting police

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