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M3A1: APA Outline for M8A1 Final Paper (Essay Sample)

The M3 assignment is to prepare an APA-formatted, full-sentence Outline that you will use for your Module 8 Final Paper assignment. For your M8A1 Final Paper, you will choose an organization (SpaceX, or Tesla) and prepare an in-depth managerial analysis of that organization. To make the assignment more meaningful to you, you are encouraged to select an organization in which you would like to join as an employee or associate. When selecting your organization, keep in mind you will need to provide three recommendations for improvement to the management practices of the organization. The M8A1 Final Paper will be due at the end of Module 8. The M3A1 Outline needs to follow the attached Guidelines for the Final Paper. M3A1 should include a Title Page and an APA-formatted, full-sentence outline for your M8A1 Final Paper. If you use sources of information for your Outline, then your M3 assignment should also include a separate References page. The following resources can help you with this assignment: The reasons for creating an APA outline and how to create an APA outline. (Links to an external site.) The four main components for an effective outline (Links to an external site.) A description of a Full-Sentence APA outline (Links to an external site.) Guidelines for the Final Paper You must follow the format below for your final project paper: Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper. Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should include: Tables and figures, if you included more than two Appendices, if included Reference section listing sources used Abstract: The abstract is an "executive overview" of your paper. It should be a 150–250 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project paper without reading the paper in its entirety. Section I. General description of the enterprise and its environment: Discuss the organization's legal name, its form of ownership, its management and reporting structures, its workforce size and demographics, its products and services, its location(s) and layout of facilities, its important resources and technologies, its competitors, its customers and clients, and any other information necessary to make the operating environment clear to your reader. Section II. Description of managerial functions: For each of the four management functions below, give a detailed description of the issues this organization faces and the procedures its managers use to deal with those issues. Planning: This function includes defining the organization's goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing plans to coordinate the activities. In this organization, what must managers plan for? (Consider products, personnel, inventories, financing, facilities, advertising, seasonal demand, etc.) What information and procedures do they utilize to do this planning? Who is involved? Organizing: This function includes determining what tasks must be done to meet the goals, how the tasks are to be grouped into jobs, who is to do them, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made. It also includes the location and layout of facilities and equipment. In this organization, what issues must managers consider when they design their structures of people and facilities? How have they chosen to delegate authority? In this section be sure to demonstrate your understanding of the six basic elements of organization structure. Leading: This function includes the tasks of communication, motivation, and conflict resolution. In this organization, how are leaders identified, recruited, selected, trained, developed, and supported? How is the workforce motivated? How are performance appraisals used? How do leaders communicate? How are conflicts resolved? What disciplinary structures do they use? Controlling: This function includes monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations from the plans. In this organization, what parameters must be monitored (sales levels, inventory, productivity, employee satisfaction, morale, turnover, expenses, etc.) to ensure the firm's success? What control tools and procedures do they utilize? Section III. Analysis and Recommendations: Using information from the course materials, class discussions, other business courses, and additional research, analyze the management practices employed by this organization as you have described them in Section II. Comment specifically on their fulfillment of the three goals of effectiveness, efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction. Make at least three recommendations for improving this organization's operations and/or work environment. For each recommendation you make, discuss the potential benefits that could be expected from making the changes you suggest. Support your recommendations with research that is cited and referenced in the work. Conclusion: Recap the main highlights of your paper and reiterate the benefits of acting upon your three recommendations. References: Be sure that you support the information presented with appropriate references. It is important that all references and quotes are cited correctly. All sources, including websites, need to be cited and referenced in APA style. Appendices: If you will be including tables, charts, figures, etc., include a separate sheet and title for each appendix. More Key Points: Keep in mind that all accepted rules of English composition apply. Papers must be typed or word-processed, be double-spaced, and have standard margins (1 inch on each side). The length of the paper is not the primary measure of the quality of the paper. A paper of 40–50 pages is probably too long for the purposes of this course. On the other hand, the purpose of this assignment cannot be properly satisfied in a paper of only 5 pages! As a guideline, you will probably need 8-10 pages to present your research adequately. Be sure that you cite all references and quotes correctly; all sources used must be referenced in the Reference section. Use the EC Library resources to cite your work properly: APA Format Tip Sheet Citing Sources Plagiarism & Copyright Use the EC Library guide to conduct your research: Business Research Guide Things to Remember! Your outline should follow the Guidelines for the Final Paper. Format the Full-Sentence Outline in APA style, including the use of 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing. Be sure to cite and reference any sources of information you might use in the outline. If you do use sources of information, please list them on a separate References page that is included when you upload the assignment. Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. source..
M3A1: APA Outline for M8A1 Final Paper Student Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor’s Name Date M3A1: APA Outline for M8A1 Final Paper This paper is a full-sentence APA outline of the module 8 final paper assignment which in this case involves an in-depth managerial analysis of Tesla organization which is a company of interest that I would like to join as an employee. 1 Title: AN IN-DEPTH MANAGERIAL ANALYSIS OF TESLA INC. 2 Topic: Management Analysis 3 Specific Purpose: To perform a managerial analysis of Tesla Inc. and make reasonable recommendations 4 Thesis Statement: Management quality determines the performance of a given company. Management analysis encompasses the most important parameters to be considered before putting any reasonable resources into an organizational investment. The module 8 paper takes into account Tesla Inc.’s management front in an in-depth analysis by considering the fundamental variables in order to estimate the intrinsic value of the organization. An effective analysis of Tesla Inc. will take into consideration the characteristics of the industry economy, organizational strategies, quality of the company’s financial position, current risks and profitability and determining the company’s value. 5 Table of Contents: This Section carries each topic and subtopic sentence with page numbers including Tables, Figures, Appendices and Reference page as shall be used in M8A1 final. Tittle………………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………3 1 Section I. General description of the enterprise and its environment……………………3 Strategic Analysis………………………………………………………………………………..3 * Internal analysis ……………………………………………………………………..4 * Performances at Tesla……………………………………………………………………4 * Organizational Resources ……………………………………………………………….4 * Capabilities and Competences…………………………………………………………...5 * External Analysis ……………………………………………………………………6 * The Macro-Environment of Tesla………………………………………………………..7 * Porter competitive forces…………………………………………………………………7 Section II. Description of managerial functions………………………………………………….9 * Planning………………………………………………………………………………......9 * Organizing……………………………………………………………………………….10 * Leading………………………………………………………………………………......10 * Controlling………………………………………………………………………………11 * Diagnostic…………………………………………………………………………...12 Section III. Analysis and Recommendations……………………………………………………13 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….....13 References……………………………………………………………………………………….14 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………15 Abstract Performance management analysis is important in monitoring and evaluating the strides which an organization makes to meet its prescribed objectives and goals which must also be communicated to the key stakeholders. Tesla imposes certain parametric measures to keep a good track of the company performance in terms of productivity. Tesla measures productivity output in terms of cars produced per day, solved inquiries, customer service wing, answered emails, number of complaints handled. The company establishes the Key performance indicators (KPI) in order to keep track of inventory, production and the assessment of achieving success of the objectives within a certain bracket of time (Vu, 2017). 2 Section I. General description of the enterprise and its environment Tesla Inc. was established in the year 2003 in California in U.S by a team of young Engineers who were enthusiastic about realizing the most cutting-edge electric cars in the world. The company has now expanded its roots into being one of the leading manufacturing companies of electric cars and its corresponding tech industry. The organizational structure of Tesla assumes a corporate structure with a centralized form of multinational leadership having its head offices in different nations. Its competitors are majorly the automotive industries such as Toyota, Honda etc. 3 Section II. Description of managerial functions Planning: Tesla focuses on long-term strategy of growth which involves inventory management, production, distribution as well as an anticipated great demand of its model 3 products to boost Tesla’s growth strategy. Tesla focuses all its resources and energy towards achieving its mission statement of accelerating the transition of the world into a sustainable transport and energy. This mission serves the backbone to the company’s successful organizational model. The management involves employees and managers to achieve Tesla’s main goal. Organizing: Tesla has organized ...
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