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Television: Movie That Portrays A Character With An Anxiety Disorder (Essay Sample)


the task was asking about watching a television or a movie that has a character displaying a character who had ANXIETY disorder.
the sample details about Black Swana who is a young lady who drifts into paranoia and fear to display ANXIETY DISORDER.

Name Lecturer Task Course Movie that portrays a character with an anxiety disorder “Black Swan” is Darren Aronofsky directed fascinating movie which gives an account of a young lady who drifts into paranoia and fear. This is a horror movie which shows how Nina Sayers tries to achieve the aspect of perfect dancer in the production of the “Swan Lake.” As the character strives to perfect the dance, she becomes under pressure which finally affects her mental health and end up in psychosis condition. The character displays irrational beliefs in the movie in a number of ways for instance, Nina acts in scenes that are heartbreaking and scary which alternates from reality aspect of life to psychosis condition. Nina shows psychosis condition by instinctively harming her body through constant scratch of her back to the point of looking like a person who has ruptures of swan which have a shape of a wing. The harming of the body by Nina is due to the pressure of her wanting to appear on stage. In the act, Nina struggles to achieve the desired and expected character of a dancer. Due to high expectations and lot of pressure, the process of perfection drifts from reality to a nightmare. When human beings are under intense pressure and pushed to achieve a desired goal, the pressure may surpass the physical and mental capacity of the person and this may lead to mental illness. How stress tie into anxiety? Stress can be defined as of the brain and the body to conditions that put human beings into harm. The conditions that can harm the body can either be psychological or physical. Stress response is the ability of the body trying to keep the body from the perceived harm. The response can be either psychological or biological. Anxiety can be defined as a state of human being worrying of what might happen. Stress tie into anxiety when human beings find themselves in situations that they do not have control over them. Usually, people experience devastating stress in their daily situations which display aspects of anxiety. Billings and Moos (1985) Some of ways to modify the stress and reduce anxiety Social support is the most appropriate way to modify stress and subsequent reduction of anxiety. Social support includes physical resources and psychological support that members of society extend to the person under stress. According to Minahan and Rappaport (2012), those people who are stressed due to loss of job, they overcome the situation if there is social network from friends and family members. Doing regular exercises will help in reducing stress and anxiety as well. When the body is under physical stress from an exercise, it reduces mental stress. The benefits of exercises are more when done at regular basis. “…people who exercise evenly are at lower end of being undergoing stress and anxiety since the body is able to discharge endorphins which improve image of the individual as well as sleep.” Billings and Mo...
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