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Two Movies Scaffolding And The Trial Of Viviane Amsalem (Essay Sample)


Write an argumentative essay on two movies Scaffolding and The Trial of Viviane Amsalem. Compare the two movies and write on the conflicting situation in both. which other themes do you find in the two movies.


Argumentative Essay Comparing Two Movies
Argumentative Essay Comparing Two Movies
The two movies feature closely related stories, with a wide aspect of the inner sufferings within the human conscious. In Asher is caught in a legal lacuna that is entirely frustrating as he tries to find his path in an ordered society which has its rules and institutions. In this movie family expectations and teenage questions emerge as Asher is brought up to take on the family business which conflicts with his own he his preferences. The genre of this movie is that of teenage delinquency in contemporary society and sheds light on personal choices. It unearths the different themes such as psychological neglect and how it results to resentment, as well as the role of family in bringing up a person. The young boy who plays the central role is seen to be caught up in the horns of indecision. He has to find his way albeit with the help of his literature teacher who plays a central role in his life. On the other hand, Viviane is stuck in a marriage that has turned cold and is characterized by masculinity. The theme of family is explored. At the same time other issues ensue such as the rights of women to choose their own destiny. The conflict of marriage and the philosophy behind the rabbinical court’s holdings on matters regarding justice, marriage and divorce inform the life of Viviane. In both stories, it is apparent that family conflict takes place, against the highly established foundation and the characters are caught up in it. This paper compares the nature of conflicts in families, their causes as well as the different issues that hold the characters in the movie Scaffolding (2017) and Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem (2014).
The nature of conflict in Asher’s family is fueled by dominance, and lack of proper communication. The same is the case in Viviane’s marriage. The characters caught in the systems tend to pull in different directions. While it is apparent that Milo has good intentions for Asher he does not communicate it effectively to Asher (Movie, 2017). In the other case, Viviane’s husband has the best intentions for the marriage, but there is lack of good communication between the two. The question that arises is: do good intentions really matter in conflicts? What then causes conflicts? Perhaps, it is the rigidity with which people hold onto their different beliefs, and thought patterns. The only panacea to conflict in families is that the conflicting parties should avoid assuming what the other party expects. Even the best intentions can fail when the other partner in the conflict feels left out in determining their fate.
Also, a question arises: does religion make people in families more loving and caring? Does religion bring peace? In Asher’s family there is absence of religious affiliation. The history of Milo – Asher’s father- is that of having amassed wealth through crime. In some way Milo aspires to bring up his son in the right way. The only way he sees as redemption is bringing him up on his own terms, the terms being, to make him get into business. However, this is not the remedy to the already broken system. On the other hand, Viviane’s husband is pious and holds belief that they should be in marriage with the wife. The marriage is only sustained by religious laws (Movie, 2014). The only emasculation from the laws that hold her in a tasteless marriage is religious court. In both situations it becomes apparent that systems can hold people in situations that they cannot free themselves from without breaking the law.
Another issue that arises with regards to nature of conflicts and how they develop in both movies is the difference in ideology. It is clear that Asher has a wrong attitude towards women and also to society in general. It is out of this ang...
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