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Theory Of Informatics: Kurt Lewis Change Management Theory (Essay Sample)




Nursing Informatics
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In nursing, informatics is taken to mean all the practice and science that integrates nursing, its knowledge and information which also involves technology in communication used to promote the health of the individual person, families and worldwide communities. Nursing informatics integrates nursing science and analytical sciences so as to identify, define communicate data, information wisdom and wisdom in the practice of nursing. Nursing informatics actually supports consumers, nurses and patients as well as interprofessional healthcare teams and all other stakeholders when it comes to their decision making all various roles and in practically setting up the desired outcomes. This practice is basically accomplished through the use of information processes, information technology and information structures (Lewis, 2005).
Informatics nurses are used in managing, interpreting and communicating vital medical data that flows in and out of the doctor’s office, clinics, hospitals and all other medical facilities. Informatics nurses mainly work in the information systems department of a given healthcare organization. These nurses are mostly skilled in computer science, information technology and nursing science. Informatics nurses are also used in the development of medical technology or in training other nurses on the latest systems.
The areas of work for nursing informatics include; concept of standards and representation that is used to support evidence based research, education and practice. It also includes communication and data standards used in building an interoperable national data infrastructure. Nursing informatics is also used in the research methodologies and in dissemination of new knowledge into practice. It is finally used in the communication and information technologies so as to address interprofessional workflows needed across all care venues.
Theory of informatics
Kurt Lewis Change management Theory
This is a time tested and easily applied theory that is often considered as an epitome of change models and very suitable for persons, groups and organizational change. Lewis change informatics theory is actually a planned change that helps in guiding three vital and distinct stages
Unfreezing stage
This is stage that involve looking for an alternative way which can be employed to enable people to let go of outdated pattern that used to be counterproductive in various ways. In this stage, desire for change is very evident and possibly there is an appreciation of that evidence.
Unfreezing of the present forces that tend to maintain current behavior are always reduced through analysis of the existing behavior through analyzing the current situation. Imperatives for change are always realized through reeducation and dialogue activities like personal development, brainstorming and team building. People tend to be moving more through the unfreezing stage when there is a lot of inclusivity and clearness in the process (Borycki, 2011).
They second stage is change or adapting an entirely new level
This stage involves change of feelings, behaviors and thoughts or can involve the three. This is significant since it is more liberating or more productive than just doing things in the similar and old way. At this stage, people who are involved in the change are mainly convinced that the new way is the best.
After analyzing the present situation, new processes and structures are always put in place so as to achieve the desired improvements. This stage is consumes a lot of time. It is also very expensive but very productive.
The final stage is the refreezing stage. This sis the stage that involve establishment of new habits or process in such a way that it appears clear the standards in operation procedures is available and used. With no some refreezing processes, it will be very easy to backslide into the previous old ways of doing things. Support, rewards and champion leadership are always evident and very critical in this stage. This stage goes on improving until a need for a new change is needed.
Programs and concepts reflected
Automated dispensing of medication and identification using the bar code
They are the computerized devices used in storage of drugs. It may also be used to refer to cabinets that are used to allow medications to dispense near the care points while there a good control and tracking of distribution of drugs. They offer various paybacks to individual organization and the target users. They are targeted to offer the nurses with full access to the needed medications in the areas of patient care. This has resulted to report of decreased in delivery turnaround time to the patient care unit from the pharmacy
Computerized monitoring of adverse events;
This has been widely used in nursing informatics to help to improve both characterization and detection of adverse drug events in the patients who are hospitalized. Computer programs are usually written so as to allow for voluntary and automated detection of adverse effects of drugs by the help of hospital information system and a large integrated hospital database that contain records of the hospitalized patients in the computer. This helps in allowing nurses and doctors to make automated medical decisions. This program is basically created so that it can allow simple computer entry of a potential adverse drug effect by pharmacist, physicians and nurses. It heavily relies on signals like sudden medication stop orders and selected abnormal laboratory values.
Use of EMR
This refers to the usage of electronic health records like documentation tool that can yield a data that is used to enhance safety of the patients and in evaluation of quality of care, maximization of efficiency, and in measuring patient needs
Such records are usually designed so as to provide designated information that is available for nationwide access that is compiled from the data that is found in various medical records that have been created by various providers regardless of whether these providers are from the same healthcare system or from different care system that is far from the home of the patient.
Provider order entry systems
This refers to a system in which clinicians enter medical orders directly into a computer system which is transmitted to the ...
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