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Oedipus’s Adaptation and Myth (Essay Sample)

his is a 10 point activity that challenges your imagination and asks that you use the classical theatre source play as inspiration to either reflect on your own life, a socio political theme that is relevant to our contemporary life or trace the legacy of this play. Oedipus is a core figure in Western culture. His tragedy has spawned many theories and adaptations of the myth. Your task is to research online for any examples of Oedipus's legacy and write a brief 3-500 word paragraph sharing your findings. It is a text submission. EXAMPLES: 1. Oedipus adapted: " Oedipus El Rey" a play by Luis Alfaro re setting the tragedy in contemporary LA in the Spanish speaking barrio. This was recently produced in San Francisco at The Magic Theatre. Magic Theatre San Francisco. Links to an external site. 2. Oedipus performed: Many examples exist but one production I saw myself was starring Ralf Fiennes at London's National Theatre. Check out their online education resources. National Theatre Education pack. Links to an external site. 3. Oedipal complex: Sigmund Freud father of psychoanalysis: how does he use the myth? source..
Oedipus’s Adaptation and Myth Name Affiliation Course Professor Date Oedipus's Adaptation and Myth Having been written over two thousand years, Oedipus Rex has been progressively explored, adapted, and reimagined in various contexts and mediums. The theatrical adaptation performance is reimagined in texts to address the endurance of the different themes of the play. It is a famous Greek tragedy that resonates from the attention and masterfulness that help people understand it and reinterpret it through performance. Hence, evaluating the different adaptations of Oedipus Rex and how it responds to different cultures is important. The play was adapted to a stage play named “The Darker Face of the Earth” by Rita Dove. Oedipus is portrayed as the son of a slave. Dove’s Oedipus Front runs a revolt. He also associated himself with a taboo relationship as he married his mother (Ervin-Eickhoff, 2019). Also, it pinpoints the cultural integration of interracial during the Antebellum era. Thus, applying the contextualization to the tragedy serves as the motif of struggling against all odds of preordained fate. Its performance underscores the play’s adaptability due to the inclusion of inevitable cultural aspects that connect the past and the present. Furthermore, Bob Johnson's adaptation of Oedipus to Oedipus! A New Musical Comedy, the scene and culture is placed in rural West Virginia. It shows that upon the discovery of the midwife’s prophecy fulfilment Oedipus (“Eddie”) and Jocasta (“Jo”) trade the sensational story for money and fame (Villagomez, 2019). In this adaptation, the play disregards the complexity of Oedipus as it reduces Oedipus and his kin to an exaggerated crude Southern family’s caricature that embraces folly as a profitable material rather than scorn. It reduced the play's retrospection to provide more action to complement the music. The musical adaptation also contextualizes Oedipus in modern society and culture. Similarly, it is adapted in classical music in Oedipus ROX, which featured the 1980s rocker Oedipus (Villagomez, 2019). The performance provides a completely dramatic glittery and eyeliner apparel. It portrays a self-aware comedic approach which appeals to the audience familiar with the play and those with an understanding or glimpse of the infamous Oedipus Complex. Thus, each group has the opportunity and understanding, which helps them identify with the satire and be engaged with its adaptation. The exaggeration habit of ...
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