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Performance evaluation (Essay Sample)
Management vs evaluation. Performance evaluation ,How to? for management ? effects? source..
Performance management is the process involving work planning, performance monitoring, developing a performance capability, rating, and rewarding work performance. On the other hand, performance appraisal also known as performance evaluation is the process of the top management assessing the subordinate workers periodically based on their work activity. Both are methods used in assessing the quality and quantity of an employee’s input based on their performance (Hamoonga, 2017).
Performance management takes on a thorough approach with the first step being planning. Planning involves setting performance expectation at the individual, group, and department levels, this focuses employees on focusing on specific goals they need to achieve. However, worker involvement is required to provide clarity on the work they can do and what is expected. Monitoring is the second step, it involves checking on the progress of assignments and projects. Project reports are the major source of data which the manager compares to set standards and requirements then provides feedback to the employees. In this step, any overlooked problem is pointed out and addressed. The next stage is the developing phase whereby the employees’ capacity to perform is increased through training. Developmental needs are evidenced by worker deficiencies at an individual level. The fourth phase is rating through which the manager summarizes employee performance. These ratings are used to decide the overall employee rating during appraisal making it the final rating less biased compared to a one-time rating. The last step is rewarding the employees done by recognizing the efforts of a worker both as an individual and when in a group. The process may be as simple as saying thank you during a staff meeting or may take on a formal aspect such as cash rewards or time off work ("Effective Performance Management: Doing What Comes Naturally", 2017).
Unlike performance management, performance reviews are conducted periodically, mostly on an annual basis. The main objective is to discuss the job performance, set goals, and discuss expectations and accomplishments. Performance management focuses on both long and short-term goals of the organization because it is a day to day process while the reviews focus on long-term goal achievement. Performance management reduces rater bias compared to appraisals, which are based on periodic judgment on performance, a major flaw (Hamoonga, 2017). Both methods aid organizations in reinforcing job performances, better communication between the management and employees, and allowing employee involvement in decision-making processes. This creates a good working environment in which both parties can achie...
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