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Characteristic of a great teacher (Essay Sample)
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Characteristics of Great Teachers
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Characteristics of Great Teachers
Teachers have an essential responsibility in the life of their students. Some of the roles that smart trainers exhibit include inspiration, talent development, and empowerment. Notably, these functions only materialize in an environment that favors learning. Besides, a good learning environment, the impartation of the skills mentioned above takes effect when teachers have the right understanding of their students.
Over the course of my training, I observed the attributes held by Madam Jane, my favorite teacher, and realized that people who utilize them become successful in imparting knowledge to students in learning institutions. Some of the qualities that made my trainer one of the best comprise motivation, encouragement, and creativity. The attributes held by Madam Jane inform an examination of features that make a good teacher.
In the course of our training, my colleagues and I enjoyed classes handled by my favorite teacher because she would creatively train us. Perrott (2014) explains that smart teachers not only educate their students but also ensure that they acquire confidence that helps them to handle issues that emerge when they complete their training. Besides instilling confidence in us, she was also motivating and encouraged us each time we had challenges.
Some teachers who blindly reprimand students when they fail, Jane understood and respected the diversity among her students. Therefore, she would encourage us to work hard af...
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